"sʜᴇs ʏᴏᴜʀs" ᴘᴛ.𝟸

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"Mama!" I yelled holding my belly.

Exactly a week went by and I had just finished reading all the letters. And I wasn't due until 2 weeks. But I guess she's ready. My mom came into my room to see me hunched over holding my belly. "It's time?!" She yelled asking. I nodded feeling the contraction going away. It was 2 in the morning im sure my mom just thought I needed help to get up and go pee since it's been hard to get up for the past few days.


We finally came home after being in the hospital for 3 days. It was tiring. "She's literally so cute" Layla smiled. "I'm sure you're tired" I laughed nodding my head. "I'll watch her. Go to sleep". As I was about to go to my room someone knocked on the front door. I sighed and went to open the door. "Who is it?" I asked as I got closer to the door. They didn't answer so I just opened the door. I saw Oscar standing there.

My eyes went wide and I instantly got scared. "Hi" he smiled. I cleared my throat. "H-hi" I laughed nervously. "Why she nervous" Felix, one of his boys, laughed getting out of the car walking to us. "Hey y/n she's hungry" Layla basically yelled and Ava started crying. "Um, I really don't have time for any of this. Bye" I closed the door but it was opened. I really should've locked it.

I walked over to Layla getting Ava from her. "Who's baby is that?" I turned around facing Oscar. "Why?" Layla asked with an attitude. "Don't give me that attitude" Oscar snapped. "And don't talk to her like that. I guess some things didn't change" Ava was still being fussy. "If you excuse me I gotta feed her" I walked to the kitchen. "She's mine isn't she?" I sighed already knowing what was gonna happen. "No Oscar she's my moms" I said sarcastically.

"So she is mine?" I turned around looking at him. "This bitch could've gotten knocked up after you. For all, we know she could be lying because her real baby daddy left and wanted nothing to do with the baby. Or her" This bitch really had the audacity to say that. "Fuck you". "I hit a nerve didn't I?" Oscar grabbed him by his shirt glaring at him. "Leave" he gritted between his teeth. Felix quickly left. Oscar looked at me and quickly calmed down.

"Yes, she's yours" I quietly said. "Why didn't you tell me? Actually why didn't you write me back?". " I really need to feed her" I went to my room and started breastfeeding her on the rocking chair. Oscar eventually came in. "Oscar please" I groaned. "I just want to know why?". "Because Oscar I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I was scared at how you would react. And you said it yourself. Your life isn't good for anybody"

He sat on my bed, in front of me. "Y/n. I want to be here for you and my daughter. Just let me" I sighed looking down at Ava. She stopped sucking so I put my boob away and began burping her. "Fine" my eyes became watery. "Here you wanna hold her?" I smiled as a tear fell. We both got up and I handed her to him. Of course, I had to tiptoe because of the height difference. But Ava's face lit up once she was in his arms.

"I love you" Oscar looked up at me with a serious face. Ava gripped onto his finger. "Both of you" he laughed looking back down at Ava. He looked back at me and leaned down. I hesitantly leaned in. Our lips soon connected bringing the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I missed his lips onto mine.

They were still soft. 

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