I always got you

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TW: Minor Abuse (hitting, choking, hair pulling, scratching)

I walked to the backyard holding a Corona in one hand and a plate of carne asada in the other. I smiled at my mom as I walked past her and walked to Oscar. "Here you go baby," I placed the plate and Corona down in front of him. "Thank you amor," he smiled up at me resting his arm around my waist and giving me a quick kiss.

Right now we were currently having a family get together because we haven't seen the family all together in a while. My mom suggested I invite Oscar, so I did. And it's been the best. Oscar has been getting along with everyone. I didn't care about what everyone had to say about Oscar or if they liked him, the only person I needed approval from was my niece. Which she loved him.

The party was going smooth. Everyone was drinking and having fun. It was getting late so some people did leave. With the remaining people still here they helped clean up and then we all sat down to play loteria. It's not everyday you get to have moments like these. Spending time with your loved ones. Nothing bad is happening. We're all just having fun.

"I gotta go baby." I groaned into Oscars chest as he attempted to pull me away. "I don't want you to go. Can't you just stay the night?" I asked looking up at him. He looked at me with a grin. "I would but Caeser is at home." I buried my face him his chest breathing in his cologne. "He's fine by himself. He's a big boy," he let out a low chuckle, kissing me on the head.

"I'll call you when I get him," i pulled away from him with a frown. "Okay," i whispered leaning up to give him a quick kiss. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to his body, leaving one hand on my ass giving it a squeeze. "I thought you said you had to go," i mumbled against his lips. "Alright." We pulled away and he got into his car. Before pulling out he blew me a kiss and waved. I gave him a cheesy smile watching his drive off.

I went back inside and rejoined my family at the table. "Ma you didn't put in," i pointed out as we were about to start another round. "Yes I did," she annoyingly said. I furrowed my brows in confusion at two things: 1. She didn't put in, and 2. Why is she annoyed at me?

"No you didn't. See that's papas money, mine, and Desi's. You didn't put in," she let out a low grumble before throwing her change in. "No need for the attitude Ma," i mumbled getting ready to call out the cards. "You know you have so much to say," she said as she stood up from her seat. "You know what i'm done. I'm not dealing with this tonight. Desi make sure the doors locked before you go to bed. Night Papa." i stood up and walked halfway into the hallway before she started yelling at me.

"You are a little ungrateful bitch you know that Y/n!" i kept walking towards my room already over this. "I'm talking to you little girl!" I spun around watching as she marched over to me. "What did i do to you that made you hate me? And why do you show it only when you're drunk?" I asked feeling my heart breaking as i asked those questions. "I never wanted you." Now she was in my face and i could smell the alcohol on her breath.

"Well then why didn't you just give me away?!" i yelled in her face. Before i could even process what was happening, my hair was in her hands and i was being pulled to the ground. Everything happened so fast. One minute i was getting yanked at the next she was choking me. I could hear the yells of my sister telling her to stop and telling my dad to do something and my dad trying his best to get her off me. But all i could feel was my moms nails digging into my skin and the stinging of my cheek after she slapped me.

I fought back. The best i could without hurting her. When my dad finally got her off, it felt like i could finally breathe again. She was only choking me for a minute but the whole time it felt like i couldn't breathe at all. It felt like i was drowning and when she finally off of me i finally reached the shore. My dad took my mom into their room and locked them in there. I could hear her yelling wanting to come back out.

Desi walked over to me helping me up. My throat was burning, my skin ached, and fresh tears were falling. Everything about this night was just ruined in the blink of an eye.

"I gotta get out of here," i whispered before running past Desi and out the front door. I ran down the block to the corner store. I didn't know where to go except one place. My feet led me there without even thinking about the directions. Like it was all muscle memory. My mind was groggy and everything seemed to be crumbling down.

How can she do that to her own child?

Before i knew it i was at Oscars house. Some of his friends were still there. I didn't expect them to be since it is 2 in the morning. I guess they truly don't have anywhere else to be. "Where's Oscar?" I whispered once i reached the house. "He's inside in bed. Y/n are you okay?" Sad Eyes walked up to me with worried eyes. "I'm fine," i whispered not wanting to fully break down in front of these men. But the moment i saw Oscar walk out of the house i broke.

He hurried over to me with confusion and worry written all over his face. He embraced me in a tight hug letting me cry into his chest. "Amor what happened?" he asked rubbing my back. I didn't answer simply because i don't think i could say that my mom just hit and choked me. How does one say something like that to their boyfriend who thinks your mom is nothing but a sweetheart?

"You have to talk to me amor," he whispered against my head before placing a kiss to it. I just hugged him tightly not wanting to let go. "Okay c'mon," he picked me up letting me straddle him and carried me inside. He sat us down soothingly rubbing my back waiting for me to talk. "Baby...what happened? Talk to me." he pulled my face out of his neck and made me look at him.

"Who hurt you?" he whispered as he looked at me. I haven't even seen myself but i'm sure you can see the redness in my cheek and the scratches on my face, neck, and arms. "My mom," i said in a low whisper not wanting to break down again. "She just started yelling at me saying she never wanted me and i was an ungrateful bitch and then she was on top of me choking and slapping me. I didn't know what to do," i explained with more tears falling.

Oscar just pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "i'm sorry" over and over again for what felt like ages. I finally calmed down my eyes getting tired and doubt are red and puffy. "Let's go to bed," he whispered as he picked me back up and carried us to his room. He sat me on the bed and went over to his dressed grabbing one of his shirts. "Pick up your arms," i did as told and let him undress me and dress me into his shirt. Once i was comfortable we got in bed, resting my head on his chest.

"Get some sleep amor," i let out a hum in response closing my eyes. His phone rang making me jump from the sudden noise. He reached over to his nightstand where he phone laid and answered it with a tired "hello".

"Yeah she's here." "She's fine. Just has some scratches and a red mark on her cheek."

I looked up at him through my tired eyes. "Okay. Goodnight." He hung up the phone and looked down at me. "Your dad was just asking if you're okay. Your mom is already in bed." I nodded before resting my head back in his chest. "I love you amor," he whispered while rubbing my arm. "I love you too," i whispered back before falling into a deep sleep.


Bruh i didn't realize how much i missed writing these imagines until i was rereading all of the ones i published 😭. i literally stopped writing for some reason and i regret it. but i'm somewhat back 😁😁

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