Rolled up on

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"You really can't come?" I asked as i helped put on my little sisters shoes.  We had been planning this whole birthday. I knew Oscar was probably going to be busy to come with us. We were just going to go to Chuck-E-Cheese and then go to her favorite ice cream place. "I can't im sorry" I nodded disappointed but also not surprised. "Alright you ready to go?" i smiled standing up. "Bye Alaiyah" Oscar waved as i picked her up. "Bye Ozzie" she frowned. I put her in the car and got in myself.


"Damn it" I groaned kicking my tire. Of course i had to get a flat on the way home. "C'mon we can walk home" i smiled grabbing Alaiyah's hand. "Thanks for today sissy" I laughed picking her up. "You only turn 5 once" i smiled. I continued walking home since it was just around the corner, carrying Alaiyah in my arms. "Look who it is. Spooky's bitch" I looked to the side of me seeing Latrelle driving slowly beside us. "And the little one" He continued. "We are just trying to get home" I sighed. "C'mon. Get in the car stop being a bitch. I'll show you what a real man is" I scoffed and stopped walking, turning to look at him.  

"Oscar is a man. And if you were one you wouldn't be trying to get with someones else's girl" I gave him a fake smiled. He pulled out his gun pointing it at us. I covered Alaiyah's eyes knowing she would freak out. My eyes went wide and my heart was racing. "You don't have anything to say now do you?" He smirked. I shook my head still scared. "I got better things to do" He laughed as he drove off. "Le-let's go home" I stuttered. I continued walking. I saw Oscar a glance away sitting on the front steps smoking. He looked stressed. I guess whatever he had to do didn't go well. 

"Hey how was Chuck-E-Cheese?" I looked around as I put Alaiyah down. "It was fun!" Alaiyah yelled. "Y/n?" I turned back around facing Oscar. "Latrelle rolled up on us" I blurted. Oscar tensed up, clenching is jaw. He stood up picking up Alaiyah and walked inside. I followed closing the door behind me. "What happened?" he put Alaiyah down and she ran off to the little bit of toys she has here. "I got a flat around the corner". "Why didn't you call me?" I sighed now thinking that that would've been a good choice. "I didn't think about that. I just thought that i could walk since the house was just around the corner" 

"Y/n" He frowned. "I know i should've called you. I know better. But it was just a short walk. I didn't know that Latrelle would even be on this side of town. What's going to happen now?" I asked sitting down next to him. "I'll deal with it don't worry about that" I nodded sighing. I have to worry about this. Something could've started. All because i decided to walk back home instead of call my boyfriend. "Hey Laiyah im going to the store. I'll be back and then you have me the rest of the day" she nodded and continued playing with her dolls. He sighed and gave me a look. Oscar gave me a quick kiss before leaving. He wasn't just going to the store. I know that look. 

I played with Alaiyah for while. Cesar and the group soon came over and we all started watching the barbie movies while playing with the dolls. Jamal was so interested in the movie it was funny. He even knew some of the lines. "Ok who wants cake!" Oscar yelled as he walked in with the cake in one hand and a present in another. I laughed seeing him struggle. I got up and took the cake from him and setting it on the table. "I'll get the plates" Cesar got up and grabbed the plates and forks. "Oscar and Alaiyah played for a little bit as i cute the cake. "Here you go" I smiled putting the plate of cake on the coffee table. 

I smiled sitting down on Oscar's lap. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "What did you do?" I whispered. "I did what i had too" He smiled devilishly. The rest  of the night we continued watching the barbie movies and playing with Alaiyah until she fell asleep. 


This one is a little short because I didn't have a imagine in mind until now. I would've done more but i was sick for a couple of days. Please leave requests. Im out of ideas. Please. Anyway i have school in the morning and it's late i should be in bed lol. Night.

Oscar (Spooky) Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now