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Imagine kind of follows the storyline of episode 10. Requested by pisces_502. Hope you like it :) .

I stared at the doctor in disbelief. I couldn't be. "You're 2 months and a week pregnant" kept replaying in my mind as I walked out of the hospital. How did I not know? How could go 2 months without knowing I was pregnant? How was I supposed to tell Oscar? Today's Olivias day. I couldn't tell him before the quince. I couldn't tell him during. The only time I could tell him he after or tomorrow.

Before I knew it I was at home walking into the house. I don't even remember driving home. I guess it's just muscle memory or something. "Hey baby" I zoned back into the real world noticing that Oscar was sitting down on the couch surrounded by his boys. I gave him a warm smile. "Hey. I'm gonna go get ready for the quince" I didn't spend another second there.

I quickly walked to the room grabbing the dress. Being a part of a quince was stressful. I just hope it's worth it in the end. I'd rather just sit and watch, but this is Olivia. She's been planning her quince since she was little. I have to at least participate.

I did my makeup and put on my dress. "Oscar!" I yelled slipping on my heels. "What?" He groaned as he walked in the room. "Don't you what me" I rolled my eyes standing up from the bed. "Are you ready? We're already running late" I walked over to the dresser grabbing my jewelry. "Does it look like I'm ready?" He said with annoyance in his voice. "What the hell is up with you today? And no it doesn't look like you're ready. If you don't wanna go then don't. I'm not forcing you to" I sighed letting my hands fall to my side. "But it would nice if you did" I whispered as I walked past him.

Oscar has never gone to any of my family's get-togethers. I get that he's never really had a family and never had that type of relationship but I know for a fact that my family would love him. Well except Ruby. He's terrified of him. Ruby and all of his friends. I just wish we could have that relationship. But Oscar is stubborn and wants everything his way.

"I'll see you later" I shouted walking out the front door. I stood there waiting to see if Oscar would come out and tell me he'd come but he never came. I got in my car driving to Rubys. My phone rang as I parked the car. "Hey tia I'm already here I know I'm late I'm sorry. I had a rough morning" I talked into the phone as I got out of the car. I saw Paula rush out of the house with a furious look.

"Y/n! Where have you been? We need you now!" She ran over to me grabbing me by the arm and leading me inside the house. "What? What's wrong?" I asked as she led me to Mario's old room? I saw Olivia balling her eyes out. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" I asked comforting her. "I can't believe they aren't here. I want them to be here" she cried as she looked at me. "I know. I know you do. And I'm sorry that they couldn't be here okay but you have everyone else here waiting to see how beautiful you look in your dress" I smiled rubbing her arm.

"Now come on. Let's get this party started" she chuckled looking at herself in the mirror. "First we gotta fix this disaster" she laughed pointing to her face where her mascara was running.

I sat by myself watching as everyone was having fun. Oscar hasn't shown up. I didn't have high hopes for him to show up but every time a part of me is always waiting for him to come. And I always get disappointed.

"Hey Mija" I looked to the side of me seeing Paula sitting down next to me. "You okay?" I sighed shaking my head. "I don't know anymore" I whispered. "What's the matter?" She frowned. "Too much is happening in my life right now. It's just not going as planned and Oscar has been such a jackass lately" I played with my charm bracelet holding back the tears. "I'm gonna go dance with Olivia. It's her night" I smiled before getting up and walking over to Olivia and Ruby dancing. "Can I cut in?" I asked Ruby getting a nod in response.

Oscar (Spooky) Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now