I choose you

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I smiled up at Oscar with my arms wrapped around his torso. He looked down at me with a smile of his own. "You are so..," he started, rubbing his thumb on my cheek, "..beautiful." I blushed looking down at our feet. "I love you," he whispered pulling my chin up to look at him. "I love you more," I mumbled before placing my lips onto his. My phone buzzed in my back pocket making me sigh. Oscar noticed giving me a sad smile.

"Gotta go back with your little boyfriend huh?" He mumbled annoyingly. I gave him a nod breaking apart from him. "I'll try to call you tonight," he rolled his eyes walking past me and back to the front yard where the rest of the boys were. "Oscar you know I try," I frowned following him. "I don't see you breaking up with him though," he sat down on the steps keeping his attention on the street. "I've tried but my parents-" I tried explaining but only got cut off by one of his friends. "Stop the bullshit bitch, you only like the thrill of having to sneak around," he rolled his eyes.

I took offense getting a little hurt. "Well in case you haven't noticed me and Oscar don't have to sneak around because I don't live near here. And don't ever call me a bitch again," I whispered, voice shaky. "Bitch," he grinned. "Juan!" Oscar yelled catching his attention. What we both didn't realize was that Oscar had been glaring at him. "My parents have always wanted me and Jesse to be together. Since we were little it was him. And I was never able to date who I wanted. I've tried so many times breaking things off with him. Oscar, you gotta believe me."

Oscar continued glaring at Juan for a minute before adverting his gaze back to the street. "Go to your little boyfriend y/n. We're done here," my heart broke. "Done?" I questioned, "Your breaking up with me?" I whispered stepping closer to him. "Yeah I am so leave," I stopped walking looking down at his frame. Tears formed in my eyes and begged to be released. "Okay," I mumbled walking past him and to my car. I drove back to the other side of town and parked in front of my house.

I don't live in Brentwood. I'm not rich. I did go to Brentwood high but only because my house it closer to their school. Oscar and I met at the club. I was out with my girls and I happened to run into him. Like literally. And after that, we hit it off and continued talking. I explained I was in a pending relationship, I explained everything. And he understood but I guess the longer this shit goes on the more impatient he gets. And I understand. I just didn't expect him to actually end it.

I looked around the neighborhood to see Jesse's car parked near the house. I furrowed my brows turning off the car and stepping out. The moment I walked in I saw my parents and Jesse sitting down at the dining table. "Hey guys," I smiled dropping my keys in the bowl that sat on the entrance table. "Mija we need to talk," she patted the table where the empty spot was. I said a quick 'okay' before sitting down.

"So what's up?" I asked intertwining my fingers together, leaning forward. "We know about the other boy," my heart sank. "We don't think that's fair to Jesse," I let out a scoff rolling my eyes. "What's not fair is you guys choosing who I get to be with and who I can't. I need to be able to live my own life and make mistakes and learn from them," I sighed leaning back in my chair. "So you're saying that boy is a mistake?" My dad blurted out. "No! No he's not. Definitely not."

My parents shared a look with Jesse before saying, "You're basically cheating on Jesse." I rolled my eyes completely done with this shit. "Being cheated on sucks. But this isn't like that." Jesse smirked before my mom spoke. "So that boy cheated on you?" I let out a groan of annoyance. "No he didn't. Jesse did. That time I told you Jesse wasn't able to make it to your birthday party because his car wasn't working? Yeah that was a lie. He was too busy sticking his dick in another girls pussy to come to the party," my mom let out a gasp, putting her hand over her heart, most likely at the words I used and not what he did.

"Oh and then that time where I came back home in a depressed mood and you got mad at me for it? Yeah I caught him shoving his tongue down a different girls throat. He didn't just cheat twice. He cheated multiple times," my dad glared at Jesse while Jesse glared at me. I gave him a smirk. "After that I never considered us two together because I deserve better than that. And Oscar is exactly that. Now if you excuse me, I have more important things to do than sit here in the presence of Jesse," I gave them a weak smile before heading to my room.

A while later Jesse came into my room with the most evil smirk. "Your parents still wants us to be together," I rolled my eyes pausing my movie. "Well I don't want you. I never wanted you. You're not even my type," he let out a chuckle crossing his arms. "So then why were you upset when you found out I was with another chick?" . "Well cause for one my parents didn't let me date anyone besides you so I let myself believe we actually were in a relationship I just didn't like you. At all."

He walked over to my bed, resting a hand on my cheek when he was closer. "Well say goodbye to that other guy," I clenched my teeth glaring at him. "I don't want you. Now leave me alone before I get a restraining order on you. And I will do it," he scoffed taking his hand away. "Like that's going to stop me. Your parents love me." . "Well if that doesn't stop you then I'll have Oscar take care of you. I don't care how he does it. As long as I don't have to deal with you." He took a step back clenching his teeth. "Alright you win y/n. Have your fun," he rolled his eyes before walking out of my room.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding staring at my door. After a moment of recollecting my thoughts I unpaused the movie and went about my night.


I drove to Oscar's house ready to put up a fight. I wasn't going to let him go. I don't want to let him go. I'm going to fight for him no matter how long it takes or how much energy I will lose. "Y/n what are you doing here?" Sad Eyes asked when he stepped out of the house. "I'm here to talk to Oscar. I need to talk to him. I can't lose him. I won't," my voice was barely above whisper at the end of my sentence. I promised myself I wouldn't break. I don't want to seem like a desperate girl right now. Although I am. But I don't want him to know.

"He just got out of the shower. Tell me everything," he gave me a quick hug before pushing me towards the door. I giggled to myself looking back at Sad Eyes as he walked down the street. I let out a shaky breath raising my hand up to knock but before I could the door opened and revealed Oscar. "What do you want?" He glared down at me making my heart break even more. "I came to talk," I mumbled fidgeting with my fingers. "I don't want to talk to you. Don't you have a boyfriend to go to?" He gritted through his teeth.

"No I don't. Oscar, I'm in love with you. Not him. I was never in love with him. I never cared about the things he loved or what his favorites are. I never saw him in my future. My parents might have but I don't care what they think anymore because I love you. And only you. I want to wake up every morning next to you not him. I want to bake cookies at 3 AM in your shirts while dancing to our favorite songs with you. Not him. I want to be the one you go to for comfort or to tell to try out your food that you made. I want to be the one you marry and I want you to be the one I marry. I see you in my future. Not him," my voice was breaking, tears rolled down my cheek, I was a complete mess.

Way to go y/n. Now he probably thinks I'm a psycho.

He stared at me for a moment and before he could say anything I cut him off. "I'm scared of loosing you because you are the only person that actually cares for me and isn't making decisions for me or choosing what you think is best for me. It's my turn to choose what's best for me...and I choose you," the corner of his lips tugged upward. He cupped my cheeks not wasting a single second, smashing his lips onto mine. The kiss was extremely blissful and felt exactly like the very first kiss we shared. We pulled apart for air with smiles on our faces.

He wiped the tears away with his thumb glancing between my eyes to my lips. "I love you Oscar Diaz."

"I love you Y/N L/N."

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