Partners in Crime

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This will have 2 parts. This one is gonna be mainly about how they got together and the conflict. The next part will be about how they killed the person. Anyway I hope you enjoy this Marcia
Thank you for reading my book :)


"So when are we gonna kill him?" I question sitting down on Oscar's lap.


After my father passed I had no one. My mother had left me, my little brother, and my father so I had no one older than me to go to. I had no job to put food on the table or pay the bills. So I ended up joining Oscar's gang. Surprisingly. Oscar helped me and my little brother with everything and has been the best.

"Marcia!" I groaned and rolled out of bed walking to the living room to see my little brother with the front door wide open.

"Lucio what did I tell you about opening the door" I gritted through my teeth. Once I reached the door I saw Oscar standing there.

"H-hey" I stuttered.

"I hope I'm not disturbing" he smiled.

"No you're not" I smiled back.

"Lucio go finish your cereal" I shooed him away since he was still standing there looking at Oscar. He ran off to the kitchen and continued eating.

"What's up?"

"We have business to handle. But you can stay behind I know you don't like leaving your brother during the day. I just wanted to let you know" Not only did I not like leaving him alone during the day but he had separation anxiety. And if I'm gone longer than an hour he will either have a panic attack or he'll just be sad.

"Ok well, thanks for letting me know" I smiled. He started walking away and I started closing the door but I soon stopped when I saw him stop walking.

"Um, actually I was also wondering if you wanted to hang out after I get back" after hearing that I felt my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah id love to" I smiled at him earning a smile back

"I'll text you then"

"Come back in one piece" I joked. He just chuckled and walked to his car. I closed the door and put my back against it.

"Someone has a crush" Lucio mocked.

"Shut up" I glared at him sticking my tongue out. I went to my room and started looking through my clothes for an outfit.

After an hour of looking, I finally picked an outfit. I put on some natural makeup and got dressed, getting a message that Oscar was on his way as I put on my shoes. I walked out of my room and saw Lucio sitting down on the couch watching his kid show.

I totally forgot that he was here. I didn't want to leave him but I didn't want to cancel on Oscar. There was a knock on the door and I quickly stopped Lucio from opening it.

"Necio" I slightly pushed him away and opened the door.

"Hey" Oscar said with a big smile on his face.

"Hey" I smiled back at him

"You ready?" He asked. I looked back at my little brother who was sitting down on the floor watching tv.

"I can have Cesar watch him if you want?" I looked back at Oscar taken back at his response.

"Oh um yeah sure. Lucio, papa go get your shoes on" (I call every boy that's a kid papa and every girl mama lol)

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