Partners in Crime (pt.2)

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I grabbed my ak 47 making sure it was loaded and making sure my knives were perfectly strapped around my thigh along with my Glock, under my red dress since after we were heading to the club for Angelica's birthday.

"You ready?" Oscar walked in, in his normal attire. A black and grey flannel, dark grey pants, and his cross-chain. He never really cared to dress up. Not that I care he looks fine as hell either way.

"Yeah" I smirked holding the ak 47 by my side. He grabbed my neck roughly pulling me towards him. Our faces inches away from each other.

"You look hot" he whispered. I just smirked at him before he crashed his lips onto mine. I departed from him and walked away. I turned back at him and winked before going outside.

"Let's go!" Oscar yelled as he came out of the house. I got in his car as the others got in theirs. We all made our way to the side of the prophets of town and got a few stares from us driving slowly as we got closer to their house. Oscar and I drive behind two others.

I could see Latrelle sitting down with his friends. I hated shooting out my window when the target was on Oscar's side. So I decided this time I would cross over to Oscar's side.

"Let's have some fun" Oscar smiled. I crossed over to his side sitting in his lap.

"This type of fun?" I smirked kissing his neck. He tensed up making me smile. I rolled down the window and pointed my gun out the window and started shooting. Oscar did the same. We shot everyone and everything that was on their lawn.

I aimed at Latrelle who was trying to get away. I looked at Oscar and smiled shooting Latrelle. Oscar's hand trailed up my thigh feeling the knives. He rose his brow as his other hand rubbed my ass

"Gotta be cautious" I smiled. I saw headlights in the back of us and saw a green car.

"We got company" I said before I started shooting at them hitting their hood. Oscar wrapped his arm around my waist holding me protectively since I didn't have a seatbelt on. I ran out of bullets pulling the gun back in the window. I grabbed my other gun and started shooting again hitting the driver making them crash. I smiled in satisfaction and sat back in my seat.

"That was fun" I laughed putting the gun back in the strap on my thigh. I adjusted my dress and crossed my legs, sitting properly. Oscar parked near the club and got out. I looked in the mirror and made sure my makeup was still good.

"You look good amor" Oscar said as he opened the door.

"Not like anyone can look at me anyways" I joked. Oscar held out his hand and I took it getting out of the car.

"Yeah no one can look at you" He wrapped his arm around me as we walked up to the entrance. Once we got in, alcohol, weed, and sex filled my nose. We sat with Sad eyes and Angelica.

"Birthday shot!" Angelina yelled handing me a shot. We both downed it and ate the lime in front of us. We continued taking shots while the boys drank their beers. After a while of just sitting there talking and downing shots, me and Angelica got up and started dancing with each other.

We were grinding, twerking, doing everything on each other. Nothing we've never done before. But we ended up bumping into some guys.

"You girls here alone?" I could see Angelica trying her best to keep her laugh in. Everything about this moment was funny to her. But I knew something might go down.

"You look like you just got broken up with. Did someone hurt you?" One guy spat out. I chuckled shaking my head at his false assumptions.

"I'm about to hurt you if you don't back away from her" I heard a familiar deep voice say behind me. I turned around to see Oscar, Sad eyes, and 3 other Santos members behind me and Angelica.

"Ookay" Angelica laughed.

"She's yours?" The same guy laughed

"Nah I don't believe a beautiful girl like her would date someone" He chuckled looking at Oscar up and down.

"What's wrong with him?" I questioned getting pissed, crossing my arms. Angelica watched me and copied me as if she were my little sister.

"Sad eyes take Angelica home" I said as I looked at Sad eyes. He nodded and grabbed Angelicas hand leading her out of the club.

"So tell me. What's wrong with him?" I turned back at the guy and gave him a death stare.

"He's a lowlife. He could get a real job instead of being in a gang and killing people for fun" The guy scoffed keeping his confidence.

"Well if we kill people for fun I might just kill you tonight" I smirked.

"You? Kill me?" He chuckled.

"Yeah right" he smiled.

"Wouldn't test her" Oscar spoke up.

"I just killed someone not too long ago. You sure you wanna be the second one today?" I smirked walking up to him slowly. His face dropped and he stepped back.

"Didn't think so" I chuckled.

"Let's go home babe" I turned back around to Oscar and the boys. Oscar wrapped his arm around me resting his hand on my ass.

"Oh and don't do anything to these girls here. I can find where you live and kill you still" I turned at them smiled. Their face became pale. We went back to the table and grabbed our stuff. Once we got in the car I checked my phone to see 4 missed phone calls from Cesar.

I quickly called him back worried about what happened to Lucio. It rang twice before he picked up.

"What happened?" I quickly said before he could say anything. Oscar got in and saw the worry in my face.

"I don't know he's shaking. How do I make him stop?" He's having a panic attack. Fuck. All the alcohol left my body. Right now I was sober as fuck.

"Oscar go now" I looked at him dead in the eyes. Oscar quickly drove back home while I was still on the phone with Cesar trying to tell him what to do. Nothing was working. Once we got to the driveway I hung up and quickly went inside.

"Lucio" I whispered as I walked up to him. He looked up at me and his eyes soften.

"Hey, it's me amor" I smiled bending down to his level.

"Bubs!" He yelled before hugging me tightly.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me" he breathed out. I frowned after hearing that. I did promise that.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I whispered rubbing his back and he slowly stopped shaking.

"Can I got get changed and then we can watch a movie?" I asked pulling away. He nodded and I hurried to Oscar's room grabbing my spandex and one of Oscar's shirts. I quickly got dressed and went right back out. I sat down on the couch next to Lucio and put on Finding Nemo.

Lucio laid on my stomach and watched the movie. I rubbed his back while Oscar rubbed my feet. Cesar ended up going to his room to talk to Monse on the phone. I looked down at Lucio and saw him slowly falling asleep. I continued watching the movie only to find myself slowly falling asleep.

Today was overall a good and bad day. Finally got rid of Latrelle. What a relief.

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