𝑲𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒓

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TW: Rape (not fully but it kind of happens)

I felt his eyes on me as I danced the night away with my best friends. I would glance at him a couple of times before dancing on my best friends. Everything in that moment was just right. My boyfriend of 4 years was just across the room watching me.

We hardly have nights like these. Some nights my boyfriend would be out with his gang handling business. And other nights he would be hanging with his gang. I would always be in his house with my best friends talking about anything. Mainly making fun of our boyfriends. Alaiyah was dating Juan, Elle was dating Frankie, and Jasmine was dating Antonio.

We were all bestfriends. I, of course, was the one who had been dating a gang member longer. Oscar and I have had our downs but no matter what would happen we would always find out way to each other again. Our whole relationship started out by a stupid joke. We were best of friends in high school. And everyone would tell us we'd be a cute couple. We would joke to everyone saying we were dating and everyone believed us.

And as time went by we actually fell for each other. Oscar was the first to fall in love. He would alsways flirt with me even when we were alone. And he would always call me cute names. And not long after he told me he liked me I fell for him too.

"Hola mami" I turned around seeing Oscar smiling at me. I smiled back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Having a good time bub?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yeah" we danced until the song was over. He went back with his boys and I kept dancing with my friends.

Things were going good until some jackass slapped my ass. "What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at the white boy in front of me. "What's my problem?" He looked at me in disbelief. "You look like a guy that doesnt take no as an answer and never gets rejected" he smirked walking towards me makimg me back up. "Thats because I don't take no as an answer and I never get rejected because i'm hot"

I laughed still backing up. "Keep thinking that" right after I said that he grabbed my neck and pulled me towards him. I looked around trying to find my friends but they were all the way on the other side of the room. How the hell did that happen? I never step away from my girls. Or Oscar. I usually keep close where they can see me. I saw Oscar looking for me but before i could yell his name I was being pulled out from the club through the back doors.

"What the hell are you doing?! Let me go!" I screamed at him. "Not gonna happen baby" a voice behind me said. I turned around seeing two more white boys. I looked back at the one in front of me scared. He noticed my expression and smirked. "No..no please don't.." I cried but that didn't stop them.

The two boys behind me grabbed my hip and pulled me towards their body. I tried pushing them away but they kept their grip on my hips. They touched up on me, kissed my neck, and my chest. I cried trying to get them off me. "Please" I cried. I started hitting them only to get hit back. "Oscar! Someone help!" I yelled out. "Please" I cried.

Oscar's POV

I laughed with the boys watching y/n dance.  That girl has been with me through everything. She never cared about what others think. She only cared about what I thought. If I didn't approve of something she wouldn't do it. She never took shit from anyone. Unless its me because i'll put her in her place.

"Hey mano we're gonna head out Elle is drunk" I laughed seeing Frankie carrying Elle. "Tell y/n is said bye" I nodded and looked back at her. I smiled watching her. That girl means everything to me. I'm glad I have her in my life.

I continued talking to the rest of the boys taking my eyes off her. We always try to get out of the house and have fun. But with the lifestyle I have right now it's hard to just go to the store. You can't do anything in this life. I didn't want y/n in this type of life but she's stubborn as hell and would not leave me alone even after I tried being a bitch to her.

She knew I was only trying to protect her but she didn't care. And I loved her too much to be away from her. Plus I didn't want to see another man in her life. I didn't want her to love another man like she loves me. Or to touch up on him like she does to me. I wouldn't be able to handle that pain of someone else bringing the same happiness I bring her.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at the dance floor not seeing y/n anymore. I stood up from my seat to try to see better but still couldn't find her. "Yo whats up?" Antonio spoke up after he saw me stand up. "Where's y/n?" I asked looking back at them. They all stood up and looked around. Antonio and Juan went and made sure their girls were ok.

"Where's y/n?" I asked Jasmine but she just shrugged. "I thought she came over to you" Fuck. I searched everywhere on the dance floor for her. I looked in the restrooms and the sex rooms but she wasn't there. "Oscar!" I tured around seeing Antonio pointing to the back door. "I hear her yelling for you!" I ran out the back door seeing three guys and a girl. I couldnt tell if it was her until I heard her voice.

"Please.." I heard her cry. I got out my gun and pointed at one of the guys. Antonio and Juan pointed their's at the others. I cleared my throat getting their attention.

Y/n's POV

They started unbutton my pants until I heard someone clear their throat. They all stopped and turned around to guns in their faces. I looked at Oscar with tears in my eyes. He looked at me, scanning my body seeing all the bruises forming from all the times they hit me back. He looked back at the guys with anger and rage in his eyes.

"Amor ven aqui" I slowly walked over to him feeling his arms wrap around my hurting body. He held me protectively. I always felt safe in his arms but right now I didnt. Not with them still here. My heart was racing. I got out of his hold and faced the guys. "W-were sor-" before the guy could finish his sentence Oscar shot him. The others looked at their friends lifeless body fall.

Oscar hugged me picking me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him crying. He stopped by Antonio and gave him a look before walking away. I heard three gunshots as we walked to the parking lot. I didn't want Oscar to let me go. He put me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. I looked at him with fear in my eyes.

"I got you Amor. You're safe" he whispered before he closed the door and walked over to the driver side and drive off. 

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