Ride or die love

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I slammed the door of my house and walked to my boyfriend's house. I had just got in an argument with my not so good father. He's been a drunk since my mom left us. So every morning we fight. And it's all over stupid stuff but this time he decided to bring up Oscar. I usually don't trip when someone brings up Oscar, but my father has a mouth and doesn't know when to shut up. I told him that if he ever decided to talk bad on Oscar's name I would leave him the same way mom left us. 

I never thought this day would come because he's been doing good. Well, that's what he was telling me. I found out that he started doing drugs. That's the whole reason for our argument. I hate when people talk bad about Oscar when they don't know what he does for his family and friends. Or what he's done for me. My father wouldn't know how hard it is for him since im the one that pays the bills. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Lucio laughed as I walked up to the house

"Yeah so don't piss me off more" I glared at him and sat on Oscar's lap. He rubbed my back and continued talking to the boys. I never really cared about what was going on because it's not my business and I already have a lot going on with my life, I don't need to get into Oscar's problems when he can easily get rid of them. Soon the boy's girls came over and started talking to me. They were the only real friends I have. My old ones didn't like that I was dating a gang member and would always say I was too damaged to be around. 

"I'm gonna hang with the girls inside" I smiled getting up. Oscar gave me a nod and I took that for me to just leave. My hand was grabbed, turning me around and pulling me back. 

"Your leaving with my kiss" I laughed and bent down to kiss him. 

"Pussy whipped" I, again, laughed as I walked away. 

"Date prisa y mete tu trasero dentro" He complained before slapping my ass, making me squeal and hurry inside.  Me and the girls talked for a while before they left with their man. Oscar left to do something with Sad eyes so I ended up falling asleep while watching a random movie that was on. 

I always felt safe sleeping at Oscar's place. I never woke up to yelling or slamming doors. I always slept perfectly. Everything was perfect. 

"Amor wake up" Oscar whispered as he rubbed my back waking me up

"What time is it?" I groaned slightly opening my eyes

"2:36" I nodded stretching. 

"I know damn well you're hungry so what do you want to eat?"

"Tacos" I smiled getting on top of him 

"Tacos it is" He smiled rubbing my ass. I gave him a kiss before getting off and started putting on my shoes. We talked about the argument me and my dad got into this morning. 

"I don't know what im gonna do. I don't want to stop paying the bills and leave him homeless" I sighed getting up

"I'm telling you just come live with me. I'll take care of you" I smiled and walked out after Oscar. He drove us to a refresqueria nearby. 

"Guessing the homies had the same idea" He says parking in the crowded lot.

"Yay the girls are here!" I smiled in excitement.

"You just saw them not too long ago"

"So" I shrugged getting out and hugging the girls.

"I was hoping to spend time with my girlfriend but I guess not" Oscar spoke up as he walked closer to us

"She's OUR girlfriend" I laughed at the girls response.

"Have you guys ordered yet?"

"Yeah. But I know im not gonna eat it all so you can have some of mine" Angelica smiled

"And who said I wasn't gonna want some?" Sad eyes asked as he hugged her from behind.

"You're not even gonna eat it all either" I laughed walking away from them going up to Oscar who was talking to the other guys. I hugged his torso feeling the gun in the back. I just smiled and inhaled his cologne.

The food came and we all ended up sharing it all. We stayed for a little while just talking.

"Bye see you later" I waved as Sad eyes and Angelica drove off. I threw the trash and walked to the car.

"You better not open that door" Oscar spoke as I touched the handle.

"Well im about to" I smirked opening the door. He quickly shut it and looked me in the eyes.

"Fight me" I laughed

"Hurry up and get in with yo feisty ass" he smiled opening the door

"Look who it is" I looked behind Oscar seeing Latrelle

"Here we go" Oscar groaned looking at him.

"Baby get in the car" Oscar looked back at me giving me a kiss on the cheek opening the door wider.

"Yeah baby get in the car" Latrelle laughed mocking him

"Y/n you working out? You getting a big ass" Oscar clenched his jaw and slammed the car door.

"I think I upsetted your boyfriend" Latrelle laughed but instantly got out his gun pointing it at Oscar. Oscar pushed me behind him while looking Latrelle dead in the eye.

I really wasn't scared. I kind of got used to this but right now I can feel the tension between the two. I quickly remembered the gun behind Oscar's back and slowly picked up Oscar's shirt.

"So when you gonna pull the trigger?" Oscar gritted through his teeth. I grabbed the gun slowly. I looked down making it look like I was scared but was actually checking to make sure the gun was loaded and ready.

"Nah I think im gonna take your lil bitch and have a little fun with her" Latrelle smirked

"You're not gonna touch her"

"Oh but I am" Latrelle tried reaching for me but I pointed the gun at him.

"Try and touch me" I grinned. Oscar immediately grabbed the gun out of his hand and pushed him away.

"I suggest you leave" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes and walked away. Oscar turned black at me and I gave him his gun back. We got in the car and Oscar silently drove away. We sat there in silence for half of the ride home. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence. Oscar's hand rested on my thigh rubbing his thumb in circles.

When Oscar does that he's always thinking. I would usually ask what was on his mind but I already knew. I'm sure Oscar had questions running through his mind about what I did. He's never seen that side of me before. I was scared to show him that side but it was gonna come out sooner or later. And id want it sooner rather than later.

Oscar parked the car in the driveway and turned off the car. His thumb stopped circling and he finally looked at me. We looked at each other for a second. I scanned his face trying to understand what he was feeling.

"Didn't know you could do that" he finally spoke up.

"I um-" I looked away getting embarrassed.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about mi amor" I looked back at him and saw him smiling.

"You're my ride or die" he grabbed my chin and leaned in giving me a gentle passionate kiss.

"I love you" he whispered against my lips

"I love you more"

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