Rule Breaker

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Requested by pisces_502


"We have a rule Angela" I complained as I stuffed my mouth with ice cream.

Currently I was on the verge of crying because I happened to fall in love Oscar Diaz. We have been friends with benefits for a while and our one rule was not to fall in love with the other person. And it was going so well...until it wasn't. And the worst part about it was that the feelings came in a total rush. One minute I was getting dressed after like always and the next I was hoping he would ask me to stay.

"Yeah well rules were made to be broken remember?" She smirked mocking my 15 year old self. "Ha ha very funny" I sarcastically said as I got up from the couch. "Well I'm going home. I'll talk to you later" I nodded putting the ice cream up. I looked around, sighing. I sat back down on the couch turning on the tv and flipping through the channels.

"Nothing is ever on this stupid antenna" I mumbled turning it off. My phone lit up indicating I got a message. I looked at it seeing Oscar's  name above the message. It read 'Call me when you can', bringing a smile to my face. I noticed I had a miss call from him not too long ago. I mentally yelled at myself.

I was quickly interrupted by nausea overcoming me. I quickly ran to the restroom throwing up like I have been for the past week. I sat there for a bit knowing exactly what was going on with me. I got up and washed my mouth before going back to the couch.

My life is not going the way I wanted it to or planned it. I was supposed to be in college studying business but instead I'm here worrying about whether or not I'm pregnant with one of my friend's baby from a stupid drunken night. And on top of that he doesn't even like me like that to even stay with me if I am pregnant.

He's Oscar Diaz. A child will only ruin things.

I opened up his contact, my finger barely hovering over the call button. I pressed it, putting the phone to my ear. "Hey fool" he answered through the phone. "Hey" I smiled. "When are you coming over?" He asked. The smile on my face dropped once I realized all I was from him was a booty call. "Um I dont know" I frowned fiddling with the strings to my sweatpants.

"Come over right now. Me and the boys are here having a small get together. There's going to be ribs, porkchop, and fajitas. You think you can make your famous apple pie?" I chuckled. "Yeah. See you in a bit" I hung up and hopped up from the couch and went to my room. I grabbed my socks and sneakers putting them on and rushing out to the store to grab the things I needed for the pie. And possibly a pregnancy test.


After I got my things I went back home and made the pie. While the pie was in the oven I took a shower and got ready. Once the pie was done I took it out and put my shoes on letting it cool down. I texted Oscar I was on my way, barely now realizing that I needed to take the pregnancy test.

I'll just have to take it over there then. I sighed deeply grabbing my purse and stuffing the box in, making sure to put it at the way bottom where it's out of sight. I grabbed my keys and the pie and left the house, locking it before getting in my car and driving to Oscar's house. I didn't live that far from him which I loved because it was less gas I was wasting just to go fuck.

"There she is! I was wondering when you'd come" I smiled as Sad Eyes approached my car. "Not wondering if I come?" I questioned emphasizing on the if. "Nah. I knew Oscar would invite you. You need help?". "Yeah can you grab the pie? But be careful it's still a little hot" he nodded and walked over to the passenger side grabbing the pie. "Where is Oscar?" I asked as we walked inside. I clutched my purse afraid someone will see. "He's in the back cooking"

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