Single Baby Mama pt.2

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I didn't expect to take song in making a part 2 but for some reason it did. Sorry about that.

Also giving a lil shout out to DanielGillies_851 . Check out their account and their Oscar imagine :)

Warnings: minor/mention of abuse. (Just a flashback type thing)

A week had passed since the incident with Johnny. And it's been a full week since I've been back at the Turners household. Oscar had insisted I stayed with him and I argued with him that I didn't have to since Johnny was in jail now. Of course, soon enough, I agreed. He went with me to my doctors appointments and to my court dates.

Overall it's been good. His friends have been the best too. Most of them. Some of them look at me like I'm a piece of meat waiting to be eaten and like to undress me with their eyes. Even though I was pregnant. It made me uncomfortable but I tried to hide it as best as I could because those are Oscar's friends, he's known them for years. But overtime I couldn't hide it anymore and honestly everytime they came over I was never home. I started going back to the Turners house and spent time with Jamals mom.

I helped her cook, when she let me, and talked to her about baby names and baby shower ideas, although we weren't going to throw a baby shower till I'm at least 7 or 8 months. I'm barely going to be 4 in 3 days, and that's exactly what we were doing right now. She handed me the dirty dishes and I loaded them up in the dishwasher.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her fixing the dishes the right way. "Yeah of course" she smiled at me handing me another plate. "How do you feel about Oscar? Like should I be worried?" I asked, getting anxious once I heard her let out a deep sigh. "Oscar doesn't have the best reputation or record. But deep down.." she let out another sigh leaning her body on the counter. That's when I know that it was an actual serious conversation. "He's a good person. We all butted heads last year but it was resolved. And I see how he truly cares for his little brother and how much he loves him and I just know he's a good person"

I fought back a smile, slowly nodding my head. "Why? You like him?" I let out a laugh, shrugging. "I think. I don't know though. After everything that happened with, um.." it was hard to say his name. I just hope that one day I could say his name and not have to worry.

The look on her face made me have the strength to want to say his name but I couldn't. "Uh.." I looked down at my hands messing with my nails. I thought that since a week has passed everything would be fine. I thought my feelings were going to be fine. But now that I'm actually talking about it and my feelings for Oscar. Everything is crashing down on me. "I do like Oscar. I do. He's done so much for me already and were not even together. We shared a kiss, yes but we haven't really talked about it or any other relationship type of conversations people usually have after they just kissed, you know?" She gave me a nod waiting for me to continue.

"I don't know what to do" I sighed deeply folding my arms. "I think you two need to sit down and talk about it. Because if you don't you guys will never know what could happen and it's always going to be a 'what if' situation" I nodded looking at the time. "I better go over there and talk to him then" she gave me a hug goodbye. I drove back to Oscar's house groaning when I saw that the boys were all outside on the lawn. I parked the car across the street and got out. I walked across the street up to the house. I said my hellos to the guys that said hi and glared at the ones who looked at me the wrong way.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Oscar spoke as I passed him. "Yeah" I guess I should talk to him about my feelings now. I was going to wait until the boys left and it was just us. But oh well. "What's up?" I asked as he closed the door. "One of the boys told me that you have been looking at them a certain way and it's making them a little uncomfortable. And I just wanted to ask if you could stop please" I stood there shocked. When the words finally processed in my mind I let put a scoff in annoyance. "I'm the one looking at them inappropriately?! They're the ones looking at me like a fresh piece of meat and undressing me with their eyes!" I yelled. His face became serious, jaw clenched and knuckles white from how hard he was clutching his fists.

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