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[Oscar's POV]

I talked and talked with my boys outside. It was already 2 in the morning. Ever since i had saw y/n sneak out and in from her house the first couple of times, i stayed out later making sure she got back home safe. "Alright homes we're gonna head out" i nodded and watched as i saw all of them walk to their houses.

In the corner of my eyes i saw y/n opening her window and about to climb in. "You've been sneaking out way more than last week" I never spoke to her in all the years shes been my neighbor. I dont know why I started now. "Girls can have fun too" she smirked, winking at me before climbing in through her window. I chuckled and walked inside.

[Y/n's POV]

"I'll see you guys later" i smiled as i waved bye to my friends. I walked home looking around the street making sure no prophets were around. As I walked across the street to my house I saw the Santos leaving Oscar's house. I always felt safe that we lived right next to the santos leader. But at the same time i didnt.

I opened my window quietly, getting ready to climb in. "You've been sneaking out way more than last week" I turned around seeing Oscar staring at me. I chuckled before saying, "Girls can havs fun too." I smirked and winked at him before climbing in through the window and closing it. I got dressed into my pjs and climbed into bed, drifting off to sleep.

I jolted awake to my father bursting into my room yelling and most likely drunk. "Papa its 7 in the morning!" I yelled at him. "I don't give a damn what time it is! When I told you to get my beer I expected you to get it!" He yelled walking closer to me. "Papa really?! I'm barely 18! I can't buy any alchohol!" We went back and forth arguing for what felt like forever.

"Leave! And don't come back until you have what I need!" My father shouted as I walked out of the house slamming the door. I sighed deeply breathing in the fresh air around me. I looked down at my clothes realizing I was still in my pajamas. I wrapped my arms around myself looking around. Oscar and his friends were outside drinking and smoking just like they would any other day. I walked to the side of the house opening my window and climbing in.

I shuffled through my dresser getting out a pair of mom jeans and an oversized t-shirt along with my white air forces. I quickly got dressed, quietly as I could before climbing back out my window and closing it. I walked across the street pulling out my phone, not exactly sure who to call. I stopped walking wanting to just throw my phone down at the concrete.

"What's wrong with you?" A voice spoke from across the street. I looked at the person realizing it was Oscar who spoke. "I'm frustrated" I crossed my arms looking at him with my head high like I would to everyone. Except my father. "Sexually?" He smirked as he took a swing of his beer. "Mm no I had my fun last night" I smirked right back at him. I, barely, heard him clear his throat and reposition himself in his seat. I chuckled, knowing exactly what effect I have on people.

"As much as I'd love to continue this conversation I got somewhere to be. Now you don't happen to know where I can get a fake ID from do you?" Before he could answer some random girl walked beside me. "Girl you asking the wrong person. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jasmine and you..clearly need some fashion tips" I furrowed my brows looking down at my outfit. "C'mon" she grabbed my arm pulling me with her to wherever.


I walked to the corner store with my new fake ID. "Hello" I greeted the worker before walking over to the beer. I grabbed my dads favorite along with some tequila and dos equis for myself. My heart raced as I walked up to the cashier. "Is that all?" The man asked as I put everything on the counter. "Yeah" I smiled at him. "Okay your total is going to be 56 dollars and 59 cents. Can I see some ID please?" I took out the ID handing it to him before getting out the money to pay. "Okay" he smiled at me, handing the ID back. "Have a great day" he put everything in a bag letting me take it on my own. "You too" I smiled at him before leaving the store with the beer and tequila.

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