Forbidden Love

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"We cant keep doing this y/n" Oscar spoke up after a moment of silence. We had just had a serious talk about our relationship. Hes the leader of La Santos and my big brother is a prophet. Its forbidden for us to even be together. "Look how long we lasted Oscar. 7 months. Why are you so scared now?"

I looked at him concerned. He was always the one to say we can do it. No one will find out. And now hes saying we shouldn't? "I just don't want to risk it anymore" he spoke gently. "You dont want to risk it?" I questioned now confused as fuck. "You're not worth risking anymore"

My heart dropped. I'm not worth risking? How is he gonna say that now? After I shared so many secrets and opened up to him. How is he gonna do this to me now? "Fuck you Oscar. I shouldve listened to Latrelle. Youre not worth loving" I cried. I got out of his car leaving the door open.

Latrelle always told me if i wanted to make someone mad to leave the door open when you leave their room or car. I walked home getting stares from my brothers gang members. I rolled my eyes at them and walked into the house. "Whats up with you?" Latrelle asked as I tried sneaking past.

"Boy drama" I turned around wiping my tears. "Who do we gotta kill?" I laughed shaking my head. "No one. Hes not worth your guys time. Im gonna go lay down my head hurts" Latrelle nodded and went back to talking to the guys. I went to my room and laid down, instantly falling asleep.

I woke up to Latrelle barging in my room yelling my name. "What the fuck is this?!" He yelled at me showing my a pictures and videos of me and Oscar making out and getting touchy. "No..." i whispered. "Latrelle i can explain" I begged. My eyes got watery as he looked at me with a mad and dissapointed face. "Youre never leaving this house alone"

"No you cant do that!" I screamed at him. "Yes I can. If you want to go to the store some one is going with you wether you like it or not" He left my room slamming the door scaring me. After many failed tries of trying to reach Oscar I got up and packed my school bag with shorts and a hoodie and other necessities.

I hopped out my window and slowly walked to the front. It was barely 3 which is the time everyone leaves to handle things. I walked down the street being cautious of my surrounding making sure none of my brothers friends were around. I cant believe I was doing this.

Latrelle is going to kill me when he finds out i left. But i need to see Oscar. I need to tell him everything.

As I crossed the street getting closer to Oscars house his gang members stopped me. I backed up now regretting stepping foot in Santos side of town. "Look I just need to talk to Oscar" One grabbed me by the arm and another grabbed my bag taking it off of me. They dragged me to Oscars house throwing me inside infront of him.

He didnt know it was me since my hair was messed up and in my face. One of his guys grabbed me again making me sit up revealing my face. "Get your hands off of her" he growled at his friend. He quickly let go and stepped away from me. "Get out. Everyone out" Oscar looked at everyone in the room with a deadly glare. They all walked out closing the door.

I stayed on the floor looking down at the ground. "What the hell are you doing here?" I finally looked up at him with my eyes watery letting him know something was wrong. "He knows.." I whispered. "What? Y/n I need more information then that" i cleared my throat letting one tear fall. "Latrelle knows about us. I tried calling you but you never answered"

His face dropped and he put out his cigarette. "How did he find out?" . "Someone recorded and took pictures of us having-" I couldnt finish my sentence because I heard screeches like someone was speeding down the street. It was probably Latrelle. I quickly got up grabbing my bag and running outside seeing my brother chasing after some other guy in a car.

I opened my bag and grabbed the gun i had and walked in front of the car aimed it at the car shooting the windshield then the tires, knowing it wouldn't stop. "Y/n!" I looked to the side of me seeing Oscar running towards me. He grabbed my waist and pushed me out the way along with him. "Are you crazy?" He said as he was still holding onto me.

"Just a little bit" I whispered enjoying being in his arms. "Im gonna give you one second for you to get away from my baby sister" We both looked in front of us seeing Latrelle drawing his gun at Oscar. "Latrelle stop" I got up walking towards him. He grabbed my arm roughly and pushed me behind him. Oscar clenched his jaw when Latrelle did that.

"You dont have to touch her like that" Oscar spoke as he got up and walked over to his friends. "Remeber what side you're on carnal" I smiled at Oscar getting a wink in return. I loved when he talked in Spanish. I found it very attractive. "Well then you can deal with him" Latrelle pointed at the guy that was barely getting out of his car, hurt.

"Lets go!" Latrelle yelled and everyone started getting in their cars. Oscar and I stared at each other for a moment. "Y/n" I looked at Latrelle with watery eyes. Oscar is my first love. I was never able to date because of Latrelle. I fell in love with Oscar the night i met him at the club. We both knee it was risky to start dating but we loved each other so much we were willing to try.

I looked back at Oscar seeing he also was crying. 'I love you' he mouth, making me cry more. 'I love you too' I mouthed back walking towards my brothers car. I looked at Latrelle as I passed him to get into the back seat. "Go" he whispered to me. "What?" my voice cracked as I spoke. "Go to him" he gave me a slight smile. "You're my baby sister and I just want you to be happy..." he touched my face gently wiping the tear that fell with his thumb.

"...and I can tell you're happy with go" I gave him a faint smile before hugging him. I let him go and ran to Oscar embracing him with a hug. "What are you doing? Latrelle is gonna be mad" Oscar whispered. "He told me it's fine" I whispered back. He hesitated but finally hugged me back. "I love you Oscar" I spoke gently, looking him in his eyes. "I love you too Y/n" I pressed my lips onto his letting my hand rest on the back of his head while his hands rested on my lower back.

We pulled away after a moment and Oscars emotions changed. I looked back to see what he was looking at, but he quickly turned us around so now I was facing the street and he was facing his house. I heard three gunshots seeing Oscar get hit in the arm through and through, it also hitting me and the guy that shot him got hit twice in the abdomen.

"Fuck" Oscar groaned while holding his arm. "You can say that again" I also groaned. He looked up at me seeing I got hit. Latrelle ran to us, by us I mainly mean me. Oscar took off his flannel and wrapped it around my arm putting pressure on it. "That should help it" He tied it extra tight so it wouldn't fall. "What about you? and this is your favorite flannel" Oscar scoffed and looked at me.

"You're more important than me and the flannel. I can just buy a new one anyways" I smiled at him and looked at Latrelle. "Is the guy dead?" I asked. He nodded and looked right back at Oscar. "Id like to talk to you" Oscar nodded and looked around. "Sad eyes!" Oscar yelled and a tall skinny guy walked up to us. "Take her inside and stitch up her wound. Gently and carefully because I know how rough you can be"

He led me inside and sat me down at the table and started stitching me up. "How long have you and Oscar been a thing?" He spoke up after a moment of silence. "7 months" He nodded slowly. He looked mad. "Oscar always talked about you two. I told him to tell you but he said it was risky to tell anyone because anyone could hear" I explained to him. "Yeah he had a point"

We talked for the rest of the time he stitched me up. "Thanks" I smiled at him before going outside. "You ready to go?" I asked Latrelle who was still talking to Oscar. "You're staying" he smiled. I looked at him confused as fuck. "We made a truce for the sake of your relationship. But once things go south the truce ends" I smiled widely and hugged my big brother.

"Dad would hate both of us right now" I laughed still hugging him. "Yeah he would" Latrelle laughed back.

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