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Oscars POV:

I sat outside of my house, like I always do every day, drinking a beer. "What happened with you and y/n?" Antonio asked taking a hit of his blunt. "Nah she trippin over stupid shit," I rolled my eyes. I looked over to the side of the road seeing 3 men walking towards us. I got up walking towards them.

"We expect to have our AKs back by tomorrow," one spoke up after looking me up and down. "And if I don't?" I challenged with a grin. One nodded his head over to where y/n's house was. She just so happened to be putting our daughter in the car. "That bitch and your daughter gets it."

I glared at him, clenching my jaw and fists white. "You have until 5, tomorrow," they walked off passing by y/n's house as she was getting in the car. She looked at them then looked over to me. I continued to watch as she drove off. "Sad Eyes! Get in touch with Juan!"

Y/n's POV:

"Maricella!" I yelled as she ran before me. "You know I can't run right now!" I groaned resting a hand on my belly and another on my back. "Maricella Nicole Diaz!" A voice boomed from behind me. I turned around to see Oscar. I let out a sigh of relief reaching my hand out for him. "You okay?" I gave him a nod, smiling as our hands interlocked.

"Being 8 months pregnant and having a 6 year old is not the best combination," I laughed. Maricella ran back to us, specifically to her dad, with wide arms. "Hey baby," Oscar smiled as he picked her up with his free arm. "Hi daddy," Maricella smiled at him. We walked into the carnival, paying for tickets for rides. "Can I go on the bumper cars!" Maricella yelled pointing to the bumper cars. "Yeah. Go wait in line baby. We'll be right here," Oscar put her down and she ran to the line.

I kept my eyes on her the whole time. Being a mother changed me. I see things different now and am more paranoid. Not just because my baby daddy is the leader of Los Santos but because that's what it will do to you.

"Can we talk?" Oscar asked from beside me, releasing my hand from his. I frowned at the lost contact but kept my eyes on Maricella. "I'm sorry Oscar. It's just I get scared sometimes. You didn't text me at all last night and I didn't know if something had happened to you. And then you came to my house drunk and said you were at the bar I got mad," I rambled finally looking at him. "I should be the one apologizing. I should've answered your texts and told you but I didn't and now I see why you were so upset. I'm sorry amor," he stood in front of me a hand on my belly and the other on my cheek.

"You're so lucky I love you," I rolled my eyes smiling like an idiot. "That's not what I really wanted to talk to you about though," he mumbled under his breath. I looked up at him and saw how serious he got. "It's about those men right?" I asked backing away from him a bit. "I saw how angry you got when they walked back to their car," he furrowed his brows in confusion. "They were in a car?" He asked, both his hands on my belly. I looked over to the line and saw Maricella going into one of the bumper cars.

"Yeah, down the street from my house why?" I asked getting a tad bit scared. "Nothing. It's nothing," he turned back around putting his hands in his pockets. "It's something and you need to tell me," I spoke up. "Remember how we randomly got those AK's?" He asked keeping his eyes straight ahead. I stayed quiet waiting for him to continue. "Turns out they were theirs. We gave them to Juan to keep to hide from the cops."

"Okay so give them back," I told him crossing my arms. "He doesn't have them anymore. I don't know what he did to them. He didn't want to tell me," I slowly nodded. "And what happens if you don't give them back. When do they want them back?" I asked looking up at him. "They want them back by tomorrow at 5," he said. He turned to me finally meeting my eyes. "And if we don't give them back by then...they threatened to kill you and Maricella," he clenched his jaw looking down at my belly. I stared at him. He knew I was scared. He didn't even have to see my face, he knew I was scared.

"I want you and Mari to stay with me until I can give the guns back. I don't want you to be home alone right now. I never did but you're stubborn," I let out a scoff. "You know I didn't want to leave my parents house. They wanted me to have it and take care of it."

He didn't say anything after. He knew I wasn't going to leave my parents house. I promised them that I would keep it and take care of it when they died. I'm not about to break that promise. It's not just a house. It's a house that I has so much memories of them. I'll hold onto it for as long as I can. I looked at him sighing before saying, "We'll live with you for a while." He turned back to me giving me a nod before turning back to where Maricella was.

"I wanna go again!" She yelled running to me. "There's more rides here mama. You can't just use all your ticket on bumper cars."


"Hurry Mari!" I yelled from the front door. "I can't leave all my dolls here mommy," she whined as she tried carrying her dolls in her arms but failed. "Take your favorites. Leave the rest," she frowned looking down at her dolls. "Barbie and Ken will do," she dropped the rest taking Barbie and Ken. "Okay c'mon," I grabbed her hand and helped her into the car. I threw our bags in the trunk before going to the driver seat. It was just a short ride. A couple houses down.

I parked in the driveway where Oscars impala should be but wasn't. Him and his friends were outside doing their everyday things. Oscar came over to get Mari out while I grabbed the bags in the trunk. "Hey y/n," Sad Eyes smiled at me. "Hey Antonio," I waved at him throwing the backpack on my shoulder. "Go say hi baby," Oscar whispered to Mari. "Hey princesa," Antonio smiled opening his arms for her. "Hi Tonio," Maricella ran to him giving him a big hug.

"Ugh I really need to sit down," I groaned, "My feet are killing me." Oscar walked over to me grabbing the bags from me, helping me walk. "Shower then you can go to bed, how bout that?" Oscar had a hand on my back and the other on my arm. "You saying I smell?" I looked at him with a small smile. "We both smell but you need a relaxing shower so you can relax after and not have to worry about it tomorrow," I let out a laugh. Oscar smiled opening the door.

"Antonio watch Mari please!" I yelled before the door closed. "She's going to be fine. The boys got her. They always do," I sighed sitting in the toilet seat. "Yeah we'll now we have threats going around Oscar." I watched as he started the water and motioned me to stand. "We always have threats looming around us y/n. You knew that since we got together," he helped me out of my clothes. "Yeah but not directly towards us like they did. The prophets always say some stupid shit like they're going to get us, all of us, but never do. But those men..." his hands rested on my belly. "They directly threatened me and Mari and baby boy."

Oscars eyes lingered on my belly. "I'm scared Oscar. I'm always scared yes but now I'm terrified. What if you don't get those guns back? What will you do then?" His eyes finally looked back at mine. "I'll do everything I can to protect you and the kids amor," I shook my head looking down at his hands. "They'll still get to us."

A/n: Okay I know I said I wouldn't be updating and whatnot but honestly I can't commit 😭.
I deadass started writing my book and then had an idea for an Oscar imagine and left my book alone and came back here 💀.
I want to finish writing the book before I publish it. So idk when it will be out but my goal for right now is to finish writing all my unfinished works and possibly start writing more idk. But I'm back..yay ?

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