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Requested by pisces_502.
I'm so sorry it took me so long to write! But I hope you like it.


I laughed as Oscar told me one of his corny jokes. Oscar and I have been bestfriends for going on a year and 3 months. I grew up with a lot of friends but I never truly knew what friendship was. I was always left out and they were always fake. When me and Oscar met I had just moved to Freeridge. I didn't care about making friends at all but after a year, Oscar randomly started making small talk and then that turned into late night conversations and then hanging out every day in front of his yard with his friends.

It has been the best. Truly. I've never felt anymore happier than I do now.

"Hey y/n I guess Oscar hasn't told you?" Sad Eyes smirked, not at me, but at Oscar, as if he was teasing him. I furrowed my brows looking at them. "Tell me what?" I asked finally meeting eyes with Oscar. He clenched his jaw looking down at his beer. "I'm not ready to tell her yet Sad Eyes" he glared at him. "Well maybe you should" Sad Eyes got up trying to make his point. "Listen guys whatever it is it can wait till Oscar is ready to say it. You can't force someone to tell someone else something if they're not ready Sad Eyes" I quickly defended Oscar standing up myself.

"Sleep on it. I'm tired anyway. I'll see you tomorrow Ozzie" I walked up to him kissing his cheek before walking over to my car and getting in. "Goodnight boys!" I yelled out the window waving at them. Once I got home I got ready for bed and laid down. I flicked on the tv scrolling through netflix. My phone rang displaying Oscar's name making my heart swell. For the longest I've been in love with him. I've always kept it to myself because how are you supposed to tell your only true and real friend that you're in love with them?

You can't..

So I've been keeping it to myself for 8 months. "Hey" I answered, smiling like an idiot. "Hey look I'm sorry about Sad Eyes earlier" he sighed deeply through the phone. "Its fine really. I'll wait" Deep inside me I'm hoping that secret is that he's also in love with me. "We'll you'll be waiting a long time" I chuckled shaking my head. "Goodnight Oscar" I yawned. "Goodnight y/n"


No matter how many times I told myself to forget that Oscar has something to tell me, my mind betrays me and is constantly thinking about it. It's been on my mind since the moment I woke up.

I wiped down the counter in front of me sighing as I prop my elbow up and rest my head in my hand. Working at a corner store is always boring. I hate it but I'm getting paid. It's easy money on my end 

"Look its Oscar's girl" I heard a deep voice snicker. I looked up meeting eyes with the one and only Latrelle. I rolled my eyes sitting up straight. "Hurry up and get your alcohol Latrelle. We both know I'm not his girl" he let out a low chuckle moving through the isles looking around. "Of course your his girl. You're always with him" I watched as he opened the door to the fridge that held all the beers. "That doesn't mean anything. He's just my bestfriend"

He walked up to the counter putting the things there. "Bestfriend sure" I rolled my eyes scanning his items. "$27.09" I put his snacks in a bag and pushed the beer closer to him. He swiped his card before grabbing his stuff. "I'll see you around y/n. Take care" he flashed me a smile before leaving.

Latrelle and I didn't have a problem with each other. He knew I was friends with the Santos and I knew he was a prophet. At first I thought he was going to care but he proved me wrong. He has been nothing but sweet to me and I couldn't wish for anything different.

It was never busy here in the store. And when it wasn't I go to the back to smoke. My boss comes once a week to make sure everything is good and checks over the security cameras, for what? I have no idea. But I could care less. It's none of my concern. I heard the bell to the store ring indicating someone has walked in, so I threw my cigarette on the floor and stepped on it putting it out. I walked back in getting behind the counter.

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