NOT A CHAPTER......again.....

1.1K 23 4

Well, I'm back.

I have been throwing up literally all day, that I fell asleep and woke up on my toilet seat lid. I also have the worst writer's block, so I'm sorry if there isn't a chapter up within the next few days.

I posted this purely to thank you all for getting me to 1.08k reads, 114 votes, and 40 comments(Even though at least 15 of those are from me....). You guys give me such a large amount of hope every time I check my book and find another 50+ reads than I did the previous minute, you guys are honestly my world.

So, yes, pray for Momma Melli to get better......okay, that was quite possibly one of the weirdest things I've ever said....but meh.

Remember, getting over a stomach bug is better when you have Danisnotonfire videos by your side, my beautiful bitches. (Honestly, I can relate to him in so many ways....)


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