Chapter 13 - The Female Titan(The 57th Exterior Mission, parts 2&3)

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I'm going to skip the first part and go straight to the forest of big-ass trees, since that's where the most action is.


--your P.O.V.--

Waking up this morning was blissful, although I couldn't move due to an arm being wrapped around my waist, pulling me into the person's chest. Eren.

Aww, he's so adorable when he sleeps! I thought as soft snores left Eren's slightly open mouth.

I quietly inched my way out of his grip, almost shitting myself when he stirred slightly, but continued to sleep.

There was a random nightgown laying on the dresser, that just happened to fit me. I put it on only after putting on my....undergarments.... And walked out of the room, shutting the door as quietly as possible.

I'd gotten to the Mess Hall to grab a piece of bread, when I was suddenly lifted onto the back of someone, and being carried away.

"Put me down, pervert!!!!" I yelled while pounding on the person's back as hard as possible. That didn't do much, so I settled for digging my pointer finger into their neck.

"Oh, holy Wall Maria, that hurts! Okay okay, don't piss yourself, I'm putting you down..." The person carefully dropped me onto the ground, while I raised my fist, ready to punch him, before realizing who it was.

"Levi....?!" I blinked twice while lowering my fist.

"You have some damn nerve going off on ME when you are the one that disappeared! God, (Y/N), do you know how fucking WORRIED I was?!?! You didn't come to our room last night, I couldn't find Jaeger, an---" his reprimanding tone cut short before morphing into one of pure anger. " didn't..... Oh my god, is that a fucking hickey on you're neck?!?! That damn brat goes and asks for my blessing, and then fucks you seven hours later!!! He better wish it was the Titans that got him, because once Jaeger gets within my grasp I swear to god I'LL KILL HIM!!!!!" The entire Hall was silent due to Levi's outburst.

Just then, a voice behind me spoke. "Hmm, what's for breakfast, (Y/N)? oh, hey, Corporal. Lovely morning." Eren yawned while scratching the top of his head, his eyes still half lidded from sleep. "Why's everyone so quiet?"

The thing that terrified me the most was the thirty seconds of silence when Levi was just.....staring at Eren. And then he pounced.

I immediately dove in between the two, stopping the fight. Levi became even more pissed off, and stormed out of the Hall. I waved Eren goodbye before following him.

"Levi, wait! What the hell was that?!" I yelled. He swiftly spun around and held me against the wall by my wrists.

"Listen to me, (Y/N)!!! today is the most important mission we could ever hope for! People are going to risk their lives out there for you and that damn brat, so stop acting like a lovesick puppy and focus!!!" He shouted. After a minute, Levi let go of my wrists and backed away slightly. "Just....listen. Whenever you hear this signal, shoot a green flare into he air. If anything else happens, it isn't me. Take Eren and the rest of the squad, and run. Are we clear?"

"W-what signal?" I asked. Levi rose his index finger and thumb to his lips, and whistled. "If you hear that, its me. Be safe, (Y/N). I love you" he spoke before walking down the hallway.

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