Chapter 10 1/2- The Levi Squad (Prelude to the Counterattack, part 2)

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I've decided that there needs to be room for the love story to take place, so every now and then I'll add my own parts before the anime stuff comes in.


"Eren, we need to talk. Now." The Titan boy had been avoiding my questions all week, and to be honest, I needed to get this off of my chest.

"(Y/N), I just....don't worry about it, okay? If I was to die that day, I wanted to at least get my feelings out. Be happy with Armin, and don't worry about me." I crossed my arms over my chest while looking up at the boy that just had to be four inches taller than me. He was lying, obviously. Eren underestimates how well I can read his emotions.

"Don't lie to me, I just want to talk this out."

"Well, I don't, okay?! Dammit, if I wanted to tell you how I felt, I would've done it a long time ago!"

"Then you fucking should have, idiot!!!"

"Well, I didn't have the guts, okay?! And then Armin beat me to it. I tried, I really did try, to be happy for you. I tried to remain just a friend. I tried ignore the fact that every time I saw you together, my chest ached. Because I knew, that every time I talked to you, I crossed your mind at least for a second. But I can't live with that anymore, okay?!" Eren's voice cracked on the last word, and I tried to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks as I continued to curse him out.

"God dammit, Eren! I would've listened to you, you didn't have to bottle yourself up like thi---" I was cut off, but not in the way I expected. As I yelled at the boy, my head was suddenly jerked upwards by two soft hands, and felt a pair of lips on mine.

This was different. Whenever I kissed Armin, the only sensation I had ever felt were small butterflies in the pit of my stomach, But Eren...oh god. If felt as if fireworks were going off inside me, like I was experiencing euphoria a thousand times over.

I was startled at first, but slowly snaked my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes so that my fingers could entangle themselves in his hair.

After a minute we pulled away slowly, and I took that time to admire his features.

Dark brown hair, like rich soil, that was long enough to cover his ears yet short enough to remain above his nape, bangs falling naturally above his eyebrows in a curtain-like stance.

Sparse and sometimes furrowed eyebrows set with wide, bright and expressive green eyes....wait, no. They were only green in the irises. They started green at the edges and became a teal-ish towards the pupil, like the caribbean waters.

Thin, yet soft and alluring pink lips, that were always curved downwards slightly to form a small pout, but were currently tugged upwards in a half smile.

"Well....that's most likely the best way I've ever been told to shut up" I giggled nervously as I untangled my arms from around his neck, him tracing my jawline with his thumb.

"Sorry, sorry....I just, really had to do that." He apologized as a tint of pink formed along his cheeks.

"No, Eren, I just meant....keep doing it...." He smirked at my nervous mumbles before tilting my face upwards once again and capturing my lips in his.

And, in that moment, I completely lost myself in Eren's embrace.

--I have been just dying to write that scene...anyways, timeskip to the next day--

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