Chapter 12 - The Masquerade Ball

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--two days before the 57th expedition--

"We have an announcement to make" Erwin called out. He'd gathered all of the squads, including the new recruits, outside of the castle for an emergency meeting. "We will not be training today or tomorrow, instead, you all have time to prepare for the Masquerade Ball the regiment has planned. Its purpose is to celebrate life, and to have fun with your companions, which most likely won't happen again for a long time. You are dismissed."

A ball, eh? Thank god I'm not goi--

"(Y/N), we HAVE to go to the market in town to find dresses! We just have to!" Krista, someone who was actually shorter than me, for once, tugged on my wrist.

"Oh, god no. You cannot make me." I widened my eyes in horror while backing up slowly.

"Think about it, though! Eren in a tuxedo. Doesn't that thought intrigue you in the slightest?"

"No! Well, maybe, I guess....but you can't force me to go dress shopping, of all things!!! What about you, Mikasa, Sasha, and Ymir?! They definitely aren't going!" I tried to reason with her.

"Yes they are. Mikasa is going with Jean, only because Eren said he'd be asking you, Sasha is going with Connie, Ymir is going with Reiner, and I'm going with Armin! It'd be stupid for you not to go! And besides, what happens when Eren asks you and you don't say yes? That could throw off your entire relationship!" Krista ranted while tugging on the ends of her blonde hair.

"....fine. But I won't enjoy a second of this stupid ball." She squealed in delight while pulling me out of the garden and down the path leading away from the castle and towards the village.

--at the dress shop....--

Krista walked out of the small changing room in a beautiful ankle length dress that matched her icy blue eyes perfectly. It was like a corset at the top, and became ruffles beyond her waist. She also had on small white heels that made her a few inches taller, and a white lacy mask in her right hand. Needless to say, the girl looked flawless.

"Holy Wall Maria, Krista, look beautiful! Armin will absolutely love it!!!" I ran over to the girl and gave her a reassuring hug.

"Thank you! Now....its your turn!" She shoved a dress, heels, and mask into my arms and forced me into the changing room. Ugh.

A few minutes later, after I had put on the dress, heels, and mask on, I walked out to hear Krista immediately squeal at my appearance. I don't know what the big deal was, I'm not even pretty. At least I thought, until I turned to look in the mirror.

I had on a purple knee length dress that had a black lace covering and black sash tied around my waist, matched with lacy black heels and a feathery black mask. (A/N: the picture above minus the bracelet and necklace)

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N), Eren will die seeing you in that! You look almost..... angelic!" Krista giggled.

"Um....thank you?" It was more of a question than a thanks, but she nevertheless paid for the items we bought and left, seeing as the others already had their things. Yes, we've known about the ball for a long time, but I just chose to never do anything about it.

--the next day, one hour before the masquerade and one day before the 57th expedition.--

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