Author's Note, Sequel, And Thanks.

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Well, my feels just died.

I can't believe its finally time to put that little green check mark on my book! Ahhh!!! To be honest, I never thought I'd reach chapter five, let alone finishing the book! Although, I can't add the little green check until I do my epilogue and alternate chapter.

Yes, I will be doing an epilogue. It will be from Armin, Eren, Levi, and your P.O.V.s I will also do an alternate chapter that shows what the wedding would've been. I was going to end this book in sunshine, rainbows, no more titans, and little Eren babies, but y'know, I'm one cold hearted mother fucker.

No, there will not be a sequel. Even if there was, I have no idea what I would base it on or where I'd even start. Sorry.

It might be a while before I make another book. I do have drafts of a SnK oneshot series and a Danisnotonfire, but I'm not all that sure on it.

Sadly my book consisted of 16 chapters plus a bonus one instead of my originally planned 25 chapters. I'm sorry.

Thank you all so so so so sooooo much for getting me 2.77k reads, 199 votes, and 60 comments! Oh my God, I remember how excited I was for 50 seems like such a long time ago, even though it was only December 19th, I believe. I know for a fact I started this book like a few days before Christmas.

I will try to have the epilogue and other shit up this week, but might not. sorry. I've been rushing around all week trying to get these last two chapters up (I had major writer's block) and I'm looking forward to a little break. Its in the works, though.

I can't believe this is an official goodbye, my beautiful bitches.


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