Chapter 4 - Night of the Graduation Ceremony (Humanity's Comeback, part 2)

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Your P.O.V. (and two years later, apparently.....)

"Pick up the pace! Run, you lead-footed bastards!" Yelled Shadis from the horse he was riding.
Easy for you to say, I thought.

"What's your problem, Arlert?!" I looked behind me to see Armin at the very back of the group, on the verge on collapsing under the weight of his supplies. "You're dragging your feet! Too heavy for you? Maybe you'd prefer I left you to drop your gear?! If this were a real mission, you'd be titan food by now!"

I clenched my fist around the straps of my supply bag so tightly, blood trickled from where my nails were piercing the skin. I ignored this slight pain and ducked my head down, trying to ignore Shadis.

Unable to stop myself, I turned around again to see Reiner taking the gear from Armin and carrying it himself.

While I jogged at the front, I went over the different aspects of the two.

Reiner Braun, stalwart in both mind and body, and well respected by the rest of us.

My boyfriend and best friend, Armin Arlert. Although lacking in physical strength, his aptitude in the classroom is extraordinary.

The rain stopped as we reached our destination, seeing that they've already set up the titan dummies that we practice with. I smirked as I put my harness on, the gas already being filled and my blades sharpened.

I instantly launched myself into the air and onto a tall branch before jumping off and towards the next, using the momentum to spin-slice the nape clean off of the titan dummy.

I turned around as I flew to the next branch to see Annie, Bertholt, and Jean go for the same one as I had, only to freeze in mid-air to see there wasn't a nape left to cut.

"What's wrong? Titan got your tongue?" I taunted before moving to the next.

I continued to spin throughout the trees, occasionally slicing the napes of titan dummies along the way.

I spotted Eren and Mikasa going for two dummies close to one another. After Mikasa had made a slice so deep that she cut off some of the wood from the actual dummy, I swooped in and made a cut equally deep. I turned around to see Eren hadn't even made it halfway through the nape.

So far, Mikasa and I had been at the very top of our squad, our skill levels were always equal. I don't mean to brag, I really don't, but its safe to say that the both of us are geniuses on the battlefield.

"Hey, Jaeger! Do you need any help?" I offered while flying alongside the boy, but was only answered with a strong glare.

"What's wrong, bright eyes? Just trying to be a good friend." I pouted before launching towards a tree far away from where I was. That didn't stop me from noticing the guilt held in his eyes as I flew away.

--Now, it wouldn't be a chapter without a timeskip, now would it?--

Later that day, we were told to spar with each other. I didn't understand why, though, considering hand to hand combat doesn't count for shit against our final grade.

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