Bonus Chapter - Teenage Horomones

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I felt like explaining this, and what better way to do that than a BONUS CHAPTER?!?! Enjoy! And msappear i know u hate sappy shit so, for your sanity, ignore this chapter. And OMG 213 READS I CAN'T EVEN THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH FOR THE SUPPORT ON MY STORY!!!!!!
Eren's p.o.v.

I sat quietly on my bed as I watched (Y/N) and Armin whispering and occasionally laughing at each others jokes in the bed across from mine. It pained me to see this.

I love her, I've loved her since I've met her. I always pushed back these feelings because I knew Armin liked her, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I still remember the night I realized my feelings for her.
It was a full moon on a cloudy night, the moon giving the earth a heavenly glow. I saw (Y/N) and Armin sitting under a tree, talking and sitting a little too close to each other for my comfort. I woke up to find them leaving the warehouse, so I followed them.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" (Y/N) whispered, gazing up at the sky with a child-like expression you'd rarely see from her. The moon gave her (S/C) face a heavenly glow, her (E/C) eyes shining and her (H/L), (H/C) hair blowing slightly in the breeze.
"Yeah, I wonder if the world beyond the walls is as beautiful as this..." Armin whispered back, him leaning into her a little so she could hear.
"Armin, there's something I need to tell you. Please don't hate me." She said with a scared expression on her face, knowing her words would impact their friendship forever.
"Armin I don't know when I realized this, but, for a long time I..." She said as her cheeks became a shade of pink.
"What is it?" Armin asked in a serious but worried tone as his eyes widened slightly.
" god dammit! Armin, je te'aime" she raised her voice slightly, frustrated with herself.
(Y/N) only ever taught me one phrase in French, and this was it. And let me tell you, it shattered my heart that I knew what she said. "I love you..." I whispered to myself.
"You....what?"" Armin asked in disbelief.
"See, I knew you'd react like this!" She yelled while tears streamed down her face. As she got up to run away, Armin reached up and grabbed her by the wrist.
"(Y/N), don't leave." Armin demanded with newfound confidence as he pulled her into a hug, letting her sob into his shirt.
"Why? Its obvious that I've just ruined our friendship, why stick around for the heartbreak?" She bitterly whispered.
"Because I feel the same, you goof." He said while smiling ear to ear, pulling her into a hug.
That's all I stuck around for. I ran back towards the warehouse in town, tears clouding my vision. Why did I feel this way? Because I liked her. And I've waited too long to find the words to say it.
--flashback over--

I lay back down in my bed, fighting to keep the tears away as I relived the memory.
I've had enough, I thought, just you wait Armin. I'll have her love me.
Just you wait.
Sorry it's a bit short, I wrote this in at least 20 mins.
Thank you all for the 213 reads, the support I've gotten on this book is amazing. I love you all, and there are no words to describe how happy you all make me feel.
Happy New Years, my beautiful bitches.
P.S., Texas is FREEZING!!! :'c.

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