Chapter 6 - Whereabouts of Their Limbs (Battle of Trost, part 5)

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Your P.O.V.

--flashback tiiiiiime)

Being in the pit of a titans stomach is the most fowl thing imaginable. Everything smelled like blood and stomach acid. Where my legs once were was an awful burning sensation.

I heard a scream nearby, and I looked up to see Eren surrounded by dead bodies.
I instantly swam to him and grabbed the boy by the waist for support.

"Why?!" I heard him ask as hot tears fell from his blue/green eyes. He finally noticed that I was clinging to him, and wrapped one of his arms around my waist to help me up.

"Eren....we...we can't die! Not like this!" I whispered into his chest. "Damn...dammit! DAMMIT!!!!!".

He suddenly thrusted his left arm, or what was left of it, into the air. "I am not giving up!!! I'm gonna wipe them out! Every last one of the bastards!!!"
I dug my nails into the heels of my hands, instantly drawing blood.

And then I transformed.

I was a titan. And I was strong.

--flashback overrrrrrrrrr--

"I'll kill them all....."I whispered in my half-conscious state.

"(Y/N).....?" Armin asked worriedly as he squeezed my hand.

I looked up to see over one hundred soldiers in front of the four of us. Their blades drawn and ready to attack at any given moment.

Eren was on the other side of Armin, and was also unable to stand up. Mikasa was in front of the three of us, her blades drawn.

"Eren! (Y/N)! Can you move your bodies? Can you think straight?!" She questioned. "Tell them everything you know, I'm sure they'll understand!"

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