Chapter 9 - Still Can't See (Prelude to the Counterattack, part 1)

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Your P.O.V.

Sleeping in a bed that's practically wood is awful, especially when my wrists are chained to the wall.

Today was the day when it was decided whether or not Eren and I would die. If they choose death, the MP's will have us both executed. If we live, we'll go into the custody of the Scouts and serve as soldiers under Levi's watch.

"Excuse me....I need to go to the bathroom." Eren said.

"You just went!" The guard replied.

"I'd like a drink of water."

"Eren, shut up already. They aren't letting us out." I murmured harshly.

More silence.

Then suddenly, a door clicked shut. Soft footsteps were heard before a face shoved itself in between the cell bars.

"HOLY SHIT" I screeched while scooting backwards in the bed.

"You must be Eren and (Y/N)! are you okay? How are things going? Sorry for the long wait. You can finally come out now! You have to put these on, though." The woman shouted excitedly while dangling two pairs of handcuffs in the air.

I, being me, jumped out of the bed and immediately fell on my face.

It astounds me how much grace I lack.

Eventually, Eren and I were walking down the hall (in handcuffs) with the woman and her silent partner.

"I'm Hanji Zoe, a squad leader with the Scout Regiment. That's Mike Zacharias, also a squad leader." The silent man was currently sniffing my neck. "Yeah, he has a habit of smelling people he meets for the first time...and then sneering. I don't think that means anything, though. He may not look it, but he has what it takes to be a squad leader."

Finally, the shit glasses was shutting up. If I could one get one moment of silen--

"Oh, sorry. I talk too much. We're already here. But that's okay! Its better if we don't explain." The woman once again yelled before shoving us into a room. "Maybe I shouldn't say this, but all we can do is put our blind trust in you. I wish you luck." And with that, she shut the doors.

I turned around to see that we were in the middle of a large courtroom, surrounded by soldiers. "Step forward!" One yelled while shoving us with the butt of his gun.

We both knelt on the ground so that they could put a large pole through our chains, preventing us from standing. On our left stood the Military Police, and on the right stood the Scout Regiment. This was a trial of life and death, and we were barely hanging onto limbo.

In the Jury group, I spotted two familiar faces. "Armin, Mikasa....." I whispered under my breath.

"Shall we begin, then?" The judge questioned. "You are Eren Jaeger and (Y/N) (L/N), is that correct? You are soldiers sworn to protect the public. Is this correct?"

"Yes." We answered at the same time.

"These are exceptional circumstances. This hearing will be a military tribunal where ordinary laws do not apply. I have been given the authority to make all judgments. This examination will determine whether you live or die. Any objections?"


"You two catch on quickly. That will be helpful. Let me get to the point. It was impossible to conceal your existence, after all. Unless we officially announce your existence one way or the other, a threat other than Titans may develop. I will decide which regiment's custody to place you in. The Military Police...or the Scout Regiment. Now, let me hear the proposal from the Military Police."

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