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-Armin's P.O.V.-

I sniffed while wiping the tear from my eye, unable to look directly at Eren. "Armin......where is she?" He asked, desperation clear in his already broken voice.

By now the tears were flowing freely down my cheeks. "In the year 850, Cadet (F/N) (L/N) of the 104th Cadet Corps, member of the Scout Regiment's Squad Levi, gave her life to save thousands of others. She was a brave soldier, a heart of pure Aztec gold. We reclaimed her body shortly after your fight with Annie, and we wouldn't have been able to tell it was hers if I hadn't carried it back myself." I watched the little hope that was left in Eren's eyes fall apart. "She...she wanted me to tell you...she'll always be here for you, Eren, and to keep that ring as long as you may live."

Eren pulled out the ring.....her ring....from his pocket, and stared at it. He sat there for a minute with a blank expression before throwing the silver band at the wall in front of him and falling into a heap of limbs on the floor, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

His words were incoherent. "Life........not......same.....without.....Her...." Were the only words I could make out. I screwed my eyes shut before repeatedly hitting myself in the forehead with my fist.

I was all my fault. If I hadn't come up with that plan....my best friend....she'd still be around...

-Eren's P.O.V., five days later.-

Well, here I am, at my fiancé's funeral.


My everything felt numb. The only emotions I could ever express were anger and sadness.

"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of Cadet (full name). She was a brave soldier, and died too young. Our eulogies will be read by her loved ones: Cadet Eren Jaeger and Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman. Eren, we invite you up first." The pastor motioned in my direction before stepping down. I stood up stiffly and faced the crowd.

"Uhm, hello everyone." I started. "Obviously, I'm Eren. Where....where should I begin? (Y/N)....she was the love of my life. With all of the turmoil in our lives, I never got to tell her how much I loved her as much as I wanted to. She...she was going to marry me. Does this make me a widow?" The crowd chuckled. "No, seriously. (Y/N) was able to light up a room the very second she walked in. No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, she valued human life and those closest to her more than anything. She.....she led a good life. But this world is a cruel place, too cruel for a diamond like her." I glanced over at the glass coffin she was resting in, wearing I pure white dress, and holding a single rose in her hand. Her (H/L), (H/C) hair framed her face perfectly. "Its the little things I fell in love with her for. The way she wrote, the way she fought, and the way that she was able to curse someone out and manage to look graceful while doing it. The world will never be the same without her, and I promise that if we ever meet again in this life or the next, I will marry her." I sat down as everyone clapped. Levi stood up.

-Levi's P.O.V.-

I faced the crowd, finding it difficult for once to keep my face emotionless. "I'm Levi Ackerman, and (Y/N) was my sister. We aren't related by blood, but personally, I don't think that matters. I took her in when her mother was killed, and raised her. Because of my stupid actions, I had to give her to a loving family that would take care of her better than I was ever able. This year, I discovered that she had moved to Wall Maria, and survived the attack five years ago with her three closest friends. She became a soldier, and vowed to fight. The only way I was ever able to reconnect with her was when she was, of course, arrested. I felt like life was giving me a second chance as a brother, and dammit, I did everything I could to keep that girl safe. She's the person that brought out the best in me the only one ever to make me smile and laugh, she was my everything." By this point, my breathing had gotten shaky. "When I learned that my little sister had died protecting others, I.....I was in such a state of shock that I didn't believe anyone. I had to see her body for myself. The day humanity lost (Y/N) was the day that I fell apart. Nothing mattered more to me than her. I will still die a thousand times over to make sure that her memory will live in glory." Everyone clapped as I sat down, wiping the god forbidden tears from my cheeks.

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