Chapter 15 - The Defeated (57th Exterior Mission, part 6)

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This is my pitiful attempt to write from Levi's P.O.V.

Forgive me if its absolute shit.



-Levi's P.O.V.-

"Keep at this distance. She's exhausted and doesn't appear to be able to move very fast. It looks like she took Eren with one bite, and (Y/N) by yanking her out of her nape...." I half shouted/said. "Are we even sure that they're alive?"

"They are alive!" The Ackerman girl spoke with absolute determination. "This being acts with purpose. If she wanted Eren and (Y/N) dead, she could've simply crushed them. She needs them for something. She's carrying them both on her tongue so she can use her hands to fight..."

"Maybe her aim was to eat Eren and (Y/N).....if that's the case, then they are in her stomach. There's a 50/50 chance they're---" she cut me off. "THEY'RE ALIVE!!! We wouldn't even be in this position if you had done your job and protected those two. Besides, you of all people would want (Y/N) to at least be alive."

I scoffed at her words. Though my pride wouldn't admit it, of course I wanted (Y/N) to be alive....after Isabel, Farlan, Petra, and the rest of my squad....she's the only family I have left.

"We'll limit ourselves to one goal. First, we have to forget trying to kill the Female." I said while furrowing my eyebrows further.

"No way, she's killed too many of our comrades. She's DEAD!!" Ackerman spat.

"As long as she's able to harden her skin, we can't do it. Listen to me. We're putting all our bets on Eren and (Y/N) still being alive. Well rescue them before she gets out of the forest. I'll slice her up while you distract her, got it?" I pulled my blades out before Ackerman flew low by the Titan's feet. I flew closer, four meters from her nape.

The beast had suddenly swung around while trying to punch me. She was fast, but not fast enough. The moment she thrusted her arm outwards, I spun around so that I made a deep gash along her entire arm before gouging her eyes out. Replenishing my blade holsters, I spun around so fast that I was able to go down and cut her Achilles tendon and shoulder muscles in under three seconds. She collapsed to the ground while covering her nape. I continued to fly backwards and then shoot down on her shoulders until her arms fell to her sides. She slumped forward.

Ackerman had taken this chance to go for the Titan's nape, completely against my orders.

The stupid brat.

"DON'T DO IT!" I shouted as she flew forwards and at the nape. The Titan had tried to reach behind her and grab Ackerman, but I had gotten there and grabbed Ackerman's cape while landing on the hand, twisting my ankle in the process.

I let out a low grunt of pain before pushing off and cutting the Female's cheek muscles so that her mouth fell open, revealing an unconscious Eren and (Y/N).

"EREN! (Y/N)!" Ackerman screeched.

I grabbed the two that were currently covered in slime while grimacing at the filth. We both landed on a nearby tree. "Let's get out of here. They're disgusting... But alive. What did I say about following orders? We're leaving." I made sure to give the girl a cold glare before tossing Eren's body to her so that I could hold (Y/N).

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