Chapter 14 - Crushing Blow(The 57th Exterior Mission, parts 4&5)

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Goodbye, Squad Levi. You guys were epic.



"Capturing the Female Titan was his plan from the very beginning wasn't it?! I can understand why Captain and Commander wouldn't tell rookies like (Y/N) and I, but you guys?" Eren questioned.

We had attached our horses to a tree nearby, and were currently resting on a branch. Me, being me, collapsed immediately.

"Shut up!" Oluo snapped. "Touchy subject, aye, Oluo?" I questioned smugly.

"are you saying the commander and captain don't trust us?!" Petra yelled while whipping her blades around.

I propped myself up on my elbows. "That's not at all what Eren is saying, Petra. Besides, with all the kissing up you do to my brother, its a miracle he hasn't gotten rid of you out of frustration." I smirked as she blushed and glared at me.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" She questioned.

"Petra, its not like you have to hide it. Everyone knows you have the hots for Levi."

"I do not! Its a strict cadet-captain relationship!"

"Oh really? Then why is it that I heard you moaning his name in the showers last week?"

"Y-y-you insufferable person! How do we know he even trusts YOU if you didn't even know?!"

"Because I'm the only one here he fully knows! Petra, no matter how much you want to deny it, its fucking obvious you want to become Mrs. Levi Ackerman!"

"And if that ever did happen, at least Captain and I would wait!!! Unlike you, little miss get-married-at-seventeen!!!"

"What Eren and I do is none of your business!!!!" How dare she?!?! The little witch.

"Petra! Yank that brat's teeth out and stuff them down her throat!" Oluo screeched

"Everyone, calm down and have some rationality!" Eld chastised. "Besides, Eren is right. There's only one reason why they couldn't trust us. Someone in the regiment is a titan shifter. Or a spy for the titans, at least."

"Do you really think there's someone like that?" Gunther questioned.

"Well, its likely that the only ones who were told were Mike, Hanji, Erwin, Levi, and anyone else that's survived for more than five years...." Eld mused.

"So, Eyebrows was trusting everyone that had joined before the attack on Wall Maria five years ago, it seems." I stated. In this world, five was a bad number. "Is this also the person that killed those two titans we held hostage? Sonny and Bean?"

"After it happened, the commander asked me about it. Something along the lines of, 'who do you think the real enemy is?'" Petra muttered.

"I knew the while time, but chose not to answer! Do you know why?" Oluo asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Why?"

" don't know? I suppose people at your level wouldn't know. You haven't reached my level yet." He put his hands on his hips.

"Are....are you trying to act like my brother? Seriously? How pathetic are you? Baka." I pushed off of my elbows and stood up to bonk Oluo on the head with the back of my hand.

"I'm not a baka!" He muttered while swatting my hand away.

"You think the Commander made the wrong choice, don't you?" Eld asked Eren, who was in deep thought.

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