Chapter 3 2/2 - A Dim Light Amid Dispair (Humanity's Comback, part 1)

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Your P.O.V., the next day

"We will begin by determining your Aptitude!" Shadis yelled as he stood in front of the crowd of cadets that haven't had a chance yet. "If you can't do this, you're not even fit to be bait! You'll be sent off to the fields!"

I hung loosely in the ODM set up on the right of Mikasa, both of us hanging there perfectly. I turned to my left to see how Eren was doing, but found him completely upsidedown.

"What are you doing, Eren Jaeger?! Straighten yourself up!" Shadis screamed as Eren hung there, completely dazed.

--Timeskip :/--

"Just follow the basics and you'll be able to do it. Don't think about being fancy or anything. Focus on your front and back balance, then slowly place your weight into the belts on your waist and feet." Mikasa explained to Eren as we hooked him up to the ODM's.

"Mikasa, your making it sound too difficult for him. Just remain calm and don't think about it much" I said while leaning against the post.

"You can do it. Even I did, after all" Armin reassured.

"Okay....I think I've got it this time. Lift me up, Armin" Eren tried to speak confidently, but his nerves were evident and Armin turned the handle that lifted Eren into the air.

As soon as Eren was fully up, he violently swung forward and hit his head on the ground. All three of us gasped, Armin detaching him from the hooks and Mikasa & I trying to lift him up.

--another timeskip because why the hell not--

I could hear people whispering about Eren as he stared off into space. Anyone I could identify and saw insulting Eren, was given the death glare. And trust me, that shut them up quickly.

The scene still replayed in my mind...


"Come on, Eren! Stay with us, you're going to be okay!" Armin cried as the three of us tried to carry him to the infirmary. The blood continued to gush from his forehead as I carried his feet, Mikasa and Armin carrying his arms on their shoulders.

--flashback over--

"Eren!" Mikasa spoke softly as she placed a hand on his shoulder, shocking the emerald-eyed boy out of his trance.

"There's no point in worrying about us, you can just learn to do it again tomorrow." Armin said as worry flickered behind his shockingly beautiful eyes, leading me to rub small circles into the back of his right hand, which I was holding underneath the table.

"It isn't us that he's worried about, Armin." I mumbled, using my free hand to brush the strands of (H/C) hair from my eyes. "Its himself. Think about it: his entire future as a soldier relies on this test. If he can't get by tomorrow, he leaves. Trust me, we are the last things on his mind."

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