Chapter Two 2/2 - That Day (The Fall of Shiganshina, part 2)

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Eren kicked the man in the shins.

"OW! what the hell?! YOU DAMN KID!" the man screamed as he punched Eren in the face and his conrad kicked Eren's stomach.

"You don't know what its like!" Eren spat while lying on the pavement. "You've never seen it! You've never seen what the titans do to people!!!"

"SHUT UP!!!" the man roared again as he raised his fist.

"I apologize!" Armin yelled as he stepped in between Eren and the soldier. "He's just hungry and irritable! That's why he so rudely lashed out at an adult....I'm very sorry."

"'s cause of us you aren't starving, you know!" The man grumbled as he walked away. "Damn." Eren whispered, "I refuse to let them take care of me."

Mikasa helped Eren up as the four of us walked back to the arch, me carrying our loaves of bread and trying not to trip over my skirt.

Once we got there, Ere sat on the wall and said, "I'm going back to Wall Maria! I'm going to destroy every last titan!" "Eren.." Armin whispered, "you aren't serious, are you?"

"I'M SERIOUS!!!" Eren screamed in Armin's face, earning a glare from me and a surprised look from Mikasa. "I'm not going to be one of those guys who does nothing but act tough inside the Walls! I don't need this crap!!!" He screamed as he took a loaf from my arms and threw it at Armin, who struggled to catch it.

"Eren, you'll starve to death!" He yelled. How could still be polite after his so-called friend attacked him? I placed the loaves in Mikasa's arms so I could be ready to pounce on Eren if needed.

"Doesn't it bother you at all? Its because we take everyone's charity that we can't beat the titans!" He screamed in my friend's face as I edged closer, preparing for attack.

"It's impossible! There is no beating them!" All we can do is live inside these walls! If we try anything, we'll die! Just like my mom and dad!!!" Armin screams in Eren's face, obviously starting to get angry.


"There's..... There's nothing we can do for now!"

"That's just an excuse! If you want to live like livestock forever, go ahead! YOU WIMP!!!!"

YOU BASTARD!!!! I thought. So I ran at Eren and punched him in the jaw as hard as I could, taking pleasure at the sickening crack I heard as he fell to the ground.

"(Y/N)....." Armin whispered, staring at me with shock evident in his beautiful, startling blue eyes. "If Armin is a wimp, then so are we. Whether it was running from the titans or fleeing the town. We haven't managed anything on our own." Mikasa said softly, staring at Eren, Who was slowly sitting up while rubbing the already forming bruise on his jaw.

"Staying alive is what matters most" I continued while still glaring at the boy, "just like your mother said." I said the word 'mother' with as much hate as I could, trying to hurt him physically and emotionally.

Mikasa then took the bread from Armin's hand and forcefully shoved it into Eren's mouth. "You have to eat and stay alive" she said, "I won't let you starve to death." Silent tears streamed down Eren's cheeks.
Several days later, the throngs of refugees were tasked with cultivating the fields to secure food. However, food shortage was inevitable. So, in the following year, 846, the central government sent a multitude of refugees on a mission to take back Wall Maria. Out of the 250,000 sent, not even 200 survived. Although it wasn't much, their sacrifices did improve the food shortage situation for the rest of humanity.


I held Armin in my embrace as he clutched his grandfather's hat, the only thing he had left of him. Eren and Mikasa watched us silently crying from the other wall, unsure of what to do or say, afraid one of us would burst.

"It's all the titans fault." Eren said, "of we could just subdue them, our place in the world could be great again. Armin, (Y/N), I'm going to apply for the Cadets next year." He ended as we both stared at him in shock. "I'm going to gain the strength to fight the titans!"

"Me too...." Armin whispered, barely audible.

"Armin?" Eren questioned, unsure if he heard right.

"ME TOO!" he shouted, suddenly finding courage. "I will too..." Mikasa said while staring Eren down with the most intense stare manageable. "Mikasa, no!" Eren said in disbelief.

"I'm joining, too. Its always been my dream. And, wherever Armin goes, I go. I'm not losing the most important person in my life." I said while squeezing Armin's hand tightly, reassuring him.

"It's settled, then. The four of us. Together." Eren said, examining our faces as if to look for signs of panic. We all nodded heads in agreement. "Together." I whispered.
--one year timeskip brought to you by Will Powers-- "the 104th Cadet Corps Class entrance ceremony will now begin!" A bald man with a goatee yelled at us. "You have the misfortune of having me, Keith Shadis, as your commander! I do not welcome you warmly! In your current state, you'd be nothing but food for the titans! You all are mere livestock! You are less than livestock! Over the next three years, we're going to train you worthless nothings and teach you how to fight titans! Three years from now, when you come face to face with the titans, will you still be fodder to them?! Will you serve as an honorable barrier that protects the king?! Or will you be a glorious soldier for humanity that drives the titans out?! IT'S UP TO YOU TO DECIDE!!!"

Oh yes, I'll be the one. I will kill every titan I lay eyes on. I will slaughter every last one.
As you can see, I used the sub for this chapter! I will be in San Antonio, Texas visiting family for New Years and I still haven't set up Netflix on my laptop, so I don't know when I will get chapter 3 in. I promise you, I will try to get it in tonight or Monday morning, seeing as I leave on Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because it is VERY important for what I have planned.
Keep calm and Titan on, my beautiful bitches.

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