Alternative Chapter - The Wedding and Life After

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I can't believe this is the final update of ELO. the only one after this would probably be my next book advertisement, which I decided will be an Ereri/Riren.

I love you all so much, thank you for getting me this far.


-Your P.O.V.-

It finally happened. Its been five years since the battle of Stohess, and back then I only made it out with several broken bones.

Thanks a lot for punching me into a building, bitchface.

Anyway, the year is 855, and do you know what day it is? My wedding. Yup, the Titans were officially wiped off of the face of the earth three months ago, and today was a day I've been looking forward to for the longest time.

My wedding. Holy shit.

"Hold still, (Y/N)! I'm trying to pin up the last curl!" Historia, formerly Krista, complained while taking one of my long (H/C) locks and pinning it up with the rest of my hair. (A/N: reader-chann grew her hair out really long for the wedding. You can pretend she cuts it later, if you'd like.)

"Tori, how can I hold still when you are shoving a sharp pin into my head?!" I huffed while pouting at her reflection. The short blonde threw back her hair in a fit of laughter, which sounded heavenly. "We have less than twenty minutes before this wedding kicks off, guys. I'd hurry it up with the hair." Ymir poked her head in the doorway while straightening the front of her crème colored dress, her brown choppy hair only going down to her shoulders. Ymir and Historia had been dating for over a year now, and I didn't realize until then how much I was hoping they'd get together.

"....aaaaaand....done! Mikasa, how does she look?!" Historia squealed while pulling the Oriental girl over to look at my reflection.

"She looks formal. Now, can we please get that damn dress on her? Eren and the guys are ready, ya know." Mikasa waved Historia off while walking out of the room with Ymir. Sasha walked in while carrying my dress and veil, potato crumbs stuck to her bottom lip.

"Sasha, I swear to god, if you get your greasy steamed potato crumbs on my dress it will be the last thing you ever do." I threatened through gritted teeth, snatching my items away from the brunette as carefully as I could.

"Calm down, (Y/N). I washed my hands before touching the dress." She grinned at me before wiping her hands off on her  light green bridesmaids dress, earning a growl from me.

I took off my robe once the other girls left the room (once they had gotten their dresses on) and pulled the silky dress up, calling Mikasa back into the room. "Can you zip this up, 'Kasa?" I asked.

"Sure." She muttered while finding the zipper that went just past my butt, and zipped up to the small of my back, revealing a good portion of my back side.

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