Chapter 10 2/2- The Levi Squad (Prelude to the Counterattack, part 2)

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"We'll probably be kept on standby for another few days, but I heard that there'll be a large expedition outside the Wall in 30 days. And, I hear we'll have to include the current crop of rookies." Eld spoke while raising his tea cup to his lips. Our entire squad were currently having tea together tonight, and it was....nice, to an extent.

"Is this true, Heichou?" Petra asked while turning towards Levi, me rolling my eyes. I honestly didn't like the girl, and not just because I knew she had a thing for my brother. I actually have a list.

Reason #1: she's too fucking nice. There is a fine line between being nice and being downright annoying.

Reason #2: that stupid smile she always gives. I mean, why be optimistic in a crappy world like this?! I mean, she fell in a pile of horse shit this morning, and you know what? She smiled.

Reason #3: her innocence is overwhelming. She never understands the dirty jokes Levi and I make, and I'm pretty sure she showers in a swimsuit.

Reason #4: she's officially dedicated her life to my brother. She follows him around like a lost puppy, and every thing she does is purely to impress him. Hell, she's even asked me what his favorite scent was so that she could smell more appealing to him.

"I don't do operations planning. But knowing Erwin, he's probably thinking way ahead of us." Levi responded while taking a sip of his tea, me giggling at the fact that he still holds his cup by the rim like that.

"I still find it hard to believe, but what's it like to 'become a titan'?" Eld questioned.

"Well, for starters, Eren and i never really remember anything we...lose track of ourselves, so to speak. But apparently, self-harm sets it off. For example, Eren bites the outer part of his left hand, and I dig my nails into the palm of my right hand, like thi--" I stop mid sentence. How is it.....that I know this?

"You guys know the rules, don't you? We can't ask about anything more than what's in the report. Though, I don't think she'll remain quiet. Four Eyes might screw up while poking at you and you'd end up dead." Levi drawled.

"What? She?!" As Eren began to panic, a certain brunette burst through the large set of doors behind Levi, and I could see him visibly stiffen.

"Good evening, people of Squad Levi!" Hanji exclaimed while running into the room. "How do you like your new castle home?"

"That didn't take long..." I muttered under my breath while furrowing my brows.

"Thanks for waiting, guys! At the moment, I'm in charge of the experiments on two Titans that we captured alive. For tomorrow's experiment, I'd like your cooperation, (Y/N) and Eren. I came to get permission." The brunette put her hands on her hips while leaning in slightly, an almost maniac smile resembling her mouth.

"...experiments?" Eren questioned nervously. "Um...what would our roles be?"

"Well now, the most exciting roles, of course!" The crazy woman giggled while wiggling her fingers.

"About that, we don't have authority over what we can do." I pointed out while smirking. Hah, no way Levi's going to put our lives in this crazy woman's han--

"Levi, what's their schedule tomorrow?"

"Weeding the garden."

"Perfect, then! Eren, (Y/N), I'll see you tomorrow!" She clutched both of our hands together in hers. "Uhm, about that, what exactly are you doing to these Titans?" Eren questioned nervously.

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