~18~ Intertwined

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Troye's pov

It was only noon but I didn't feel like standing up from where I was laying, snuggled up to Connor. It's still so unbelievable that he's gay. Was that what he was struggling with so much? I can understand why he didn't tell me because I wouldn't do it either when I love that person but yeah he already knew I'm gay so does almost everyone actually but I'm glad that I came out on YouTube, yeah sure I got some hate but I can handle that. It's not that those people are worth my time. I wonder how long it's going to take for Connor to come out. Not that he needs to do it soon. He needs to feel fully comfortable with it. It's not that I want our relationship to be public any time soon. It would only cause a lot of drama and who knows maybe it doesn't even work out for long. Don't get me wrong, I really do love Connor but you just never know what can happen.

"Connor?" I looked up to him to find him already watching me, what a creep.


"Do your parents know you're gay?" His eyes widened in shock so I guess that's a no.

"I should tell them huh."

"Yeah I think so, you don't need to say anything of us. Just tell them you're gay. I'm sure your family is going to be supportive."

"Mmh yeah, we should go eat something." I groaned in response.

"I don't want to leave." I complained.

"I have nutella." Okay that changed my mind. I jumped up and pulled Connor with me.

When we walked in to the kitchen we saw Tyler but he wasn't alone, Korey was sitting right next to him. He went home yesterday so that means he came back. I guess he and Tyler are friends now. That doesn't surprise me at all actually. They seemed to get along very well yesterday. Me and Connor sat down in front of them, having some small talk. It wasn't until Tyler started acting like his usual self that the conversation got interesting.

"So now that you guys are together you should go on your first date, don't you think?"

"Wait they are a thing now? Oh my gosh yes. I saw it when I met Connor that he was hopelessly in love with Troye. You can't imagine how worried he was for you Troye." Korey said. Was it really that obvious and does he really care that much. I looked in Connor's direction and saw that his face was bright red. He's so cute when he's blushing. I grabbed his hand under the table and intertwined our fingers, giving him a little squeeze to reassure him everything is fine.

"Oh and then when he saw you kissing and he ran outside. That literally broke my heart. He was so upset about it." No.....I thought he had not seen that kiss.

"You saw that?" A wave of sadness was noticeable in his eyes and a pang of hurt went trough my body.

"Yeah....but it's nothing. Matthew drugged you so it's not that it meant something and we weren't together, you didn't even know I was gay so it's not like you weren't aloud to kiss people." Can he like just shut up?

"Connor I didn't want to kiss him, not even when I wasn't aware of him being yeah you know what I mean. I was always thinking about you but I thought you were straight." He gave me a weak smile but I wasn't pleased with that. I want his cute big smile, his real smile.

"So Connor do you want to go on a date with me this evening?" He smiled a bit bigger but still not big enough for me.

"Of course"

"Oh can I plan your date? I have so many ideas." Tyler....I looked at Connor to see if he was okay with it and he just lifted his shoulders.

"Okay Tyler but only because you want it so bad and you're probably going to hate us if we don't allow you to do it. Don't make the date too big please. Just something simple."

Knowing Tyler all too well he probably won't listen and make it so big that it looks like one of us is going to propose. That's not going to happen though.

Connor's pov

Why am I so nervous for this? It's not like I don't know Troye and meet him for the first time, no, it's just that I know him and what if we have nothing to talk about.

"Relax Connor, Troye loves you. Everything you do is fine to him and you look stunning." Tyler tries to make me less nervous but it doesn't really help that much. What if I dressed up too much? I am currently wearing a grey button up shirt with long sleeves and black pants but I think I have tried on almost everything from my closet.

"Are you sure this looks good?" I asked Tyler for the thousandth time . "Or should I wear the brown pair?"

"Yeah Connor you look amazing, believe me."

"Don't steal my boyfriend with your compliments." I turned my head to see Troye standing in the door opening. My eyes wander over his body, taking in every detail of his clothes. He was wearing the blue polka dot button up I found for him.

"Connor you look....like shit" For a moment I thought he was being serious but then I heard his laugh. Oh god I love that laugh.

"Yeah and you then, wearing clothes I chose for you. You're not going to win me over with that."

"I already did." With that he scooted closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

"Yes." I said whilst Troye lifted his head up and nodded.


I know this is a short chapter and it's not the best but I've been so busy this week with school and had to learn so much and I think I failed all my tests but I just wanted to give you guys something. All your comments are always so nice so I don't want to let you guys down. Also my wifi is being so shitty lately so that makes updating harder but I'll try my best to update soon :) BYE xxx

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