~27~ Plans interrupted

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Connor's pov

There was such a beautiful sunset whilst I was on the flight to Australia. Of course I made pictures of it but I can't post them though. Troye would be so confused if he would see it because I've never mentioned travelling to somewhere. It's so hard to do all of this without him knowing it. I even had to lie about why I couldn't skype. I never miss one of our Skype calls and now I've missed two because the flight to Australia takes 20 hours. I said to him that I had a meet up but looking back on it now, that was a really stupid thing to say. Of course he's going to notice that no one is posting pictures of it. Oh well I can explain it later. He'll understand.

I could literally sleep for days right now. I'm so yet lagged but I have no time to properly recover. Tomorrow is the big surprise and I have only one night in this hotel to recover. I wonder in which hotel the other youtubers are staying. I didn't even find the time to ask them. I was way too busy with telling them where they need to be tomorrow that I forgot to ask them. Inviting the others wasn't my first plan but I thought it would be nice for Troye because he barely sees them. He only sees them at things like vidcon because he can't travel up and down from Australia to America or England that often. That's just not possible and way too expensive. So I think he's going to be really happy when he sees them. But first it's my other surprise and that's why I can't go to sleep just yet. I need to see someone else first and talk trough everything.

On my way to the mall a girl came running towards me.
"Oh my god you're Connor Franta! You're in Australia! I'm such a big fan!" The blonde girl screamed.
"Hey, thank you. That means a lot to me." I smiled. It wasn't a lie, it really means a lot to me that they come up to me and say this. Sometimes I kinda forget that people actually watch my videos and even like them.
"Can I take a picture with you?"
"Of course." I said politely. She grabbed her camera, I don't know why she even has a camera with her, and I put my arm around her waist for the picture.
"Connor, do you mind to say hello to my vlog?" Oh so that's why she's caring a camera with her.
"Of course I don't mind. So you're a youtuber too?"
"Yes." She said proudly as if being a youtuber is the most amazing thing ever. It was cute though how she seems to be so happy to be a youtuber.
"Look who I bumped into! The coffee addict, Connor Franta. He's not drinking coffee though."
"Hi everyone! And you see I'm not always drinking coffee but I was about to go get one though." I laughed to the camera. I checked the time and saw I was already a few minutes late to meet up with Haden.
"I have to go, I'm supposed to meet up with someone but give your twitter and I'll follow you." A big smile formed on her face and she happily gave her twitter user name. I followed her right there and then, otherwise I would forget it.

I walked into the little coffee shop Haden told me about. I saw him already sitting at a small table in the back. This was literally a dream of a coffee shop. It was the kind where I could sit everyday without getting bored of. The interior was just amazing with the big light bulbs hanging above the little wooden tables. Everything about this place was just perfect. I could see myself sitting here with Troye, talking about future plans or talking about the most ridiculous things. I'm definitely coming back with him, if the coffee is good at least.

I sat down in front of Haden and we said our hello's.
"So, excited to surprise Troye?" He asked me.
"You don't know how nervous I am. I just hope he's going to like it."
"He's going to love it. I know Troye well enough to know that." Haden is one of Troye's best friends. He had mentioned him a few times and I contacted him to ask if he wanted to help. Troye said that Haden has an amazing voice, that he was jealous of it. I of course first listened to some of his songs before I believed it but he's really amazing, not as amazing as Troye though. To my luck Haden was willing enough to sing the song I wrote for Troye. I never thought I would ever write a song but it just kinda happened. Haden helped me with changing some parts. I'm definitely not a song writer so all the help was welcome.
He really loved my idea, and the meaning behind the lyrics. It was really personal, kinda like a look into my mind.

"You didn't say a word to Troye about all of this, did you?" It really needs to be a big surprise.
"Of course not." He smiled.
"I really appreciate it that you want to do this for me, for Troye."
"I'll do everything for Troye's happiness. He deserves it. After everything he's been through." Been through? What is he talking about? I can't remember Troye saying something about having a tough time. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my mind. Nothing can go wrong now. Everything is going to be perfect. I've spend way too much time organizing everything in detail. It was not possible.

But boy what was I wrong when a second later I heard a way too familiar voice.
"Connor?" The blue eyed boy called out questionably.

Troye. My plans are ruined. Everything has been for nothing. I looked at Haden, his expression matching mine. Shocked. We were shocked that Troye stood there, mouth hanging open, in front of us. How is this possible. All I could think of is how he must think what I'm doing here. Why I didn't told him.

"I can explain everything." I said with a shaking voice. Why did he need to show up. Why couldn't everything just go as planned. Of course not. The real world doesn't work like that.

"I don't understand Connor. Why?!" He said with a voice that sounded like his troath was full of glass pieces, full of pain. All because of me.
"I can explain." I said again. Only then I noticed the tears streaming down his face.
"How could you do this to me?! Lying about that meet up when in reality you were here, hooking up with a guy, not any guy, my best friend. I trusted you Connor!"

No, no this is not happening. I love Troye, I would never cheat on him. Why does he think all of this?
"Troye it's not what you think." I said standing up from my spot at the table, walking towards Troye. I reached my hand out to his arm but he scooted back immediately.
"Leave me alone Connor!" With that he left, glancing back at us with hurt written all over his features before stepping outside.

Troye. No. Wait. I need you. Was all I could think of before collapsing in a big crying mess on the ground, Haden trying to pick me up.
"Haden please leave." I said throughout sobs. He tried to argue with me for a second but understood soon enough that I wanted to be alone.

Alone. I really am alone without Troye. The boy I love with whole my heart, the only one I care about left and that all because of a stupid misunderstanding. He hates me now. He'll never talk to me again, ever.


I bet you didn't see that one comming. You probably thought the surprise would be all happy and sappy and stuff. Yeah that was wrong to think then.

So yeah I have nothing else to say really, only don't kill me.
BYE xxx

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