~21~ Mess

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Connor's pov

A sweet aroma was filling the room. The smell of coffee woke me up. I turned around to snuggle in to Troye again to avoid the smell, surprised to find the spot where he had been earlier empty, leaving it cold. I groaned at the thought of having to stand up to see where he was. I decided to keep laying down for a minute more, trying to ignore the strong coffee smell. I curled up in to a little ball with the covers draped fully around me. At least it's warm in my little cocoon. I allowed my eyes to close but to my dismay a sound of glass shattering brought my eyes to snap open. Troye?! What is he doing?

I dragged myself out of the bed to see what he was up to, not without stretching myself first though.

I entered the kitchen. Troye was sitting on the ground with glass spread all around him, picking up the pieces as careful as possible.

"What have you done?" I sighed. He apparently didn't here me coming, jumping high in the air by hearing my voice, dropping all the glass pieces he had already gathered from the ground.

"You were not supposed to wake up yet." He said with a sad tone.

"You should've thought about that before you dropped whatever it was on the ground."

"It was a bowl but I didn't do it on purpose. I will buy you a new one." As if a bowl mattered so much to me, my only concern right now was if Troye had cut himself on the pieces of glass.

"Don't be silly, I don't need a new bowl." I grabbed Troye's hand and pulled him of the ground.

"Did you cut yourself?"

"No I don't think so."

"Good, let's clean this up then."

"I will do it, it's my fault." Can't this boy just accept my help? He's going to take ages cleaning this up if he doesn't allow me to help.

"Ugh Troye I'm going to grab a brush to clean this mess up. That will go a bit faster than picking up the pieces one by one and then dropping them all again."

"You scared me!" He complained.

"You woke me up so you have no reasons to complain." I said in fake annoyance.

"I wanted to make you breakfast." He sighed thinking that I really was annoyed with him I guess.

"I'm going to get the brush." I walked out of the room getting the brush as fast as I could.

When I came back to the kitchen Troye was busy with the coffee machine. I decided to sneak up to him, throwing my arms around his waist. He tensed up at first but relaxed soon in my embrace.

"It's really sweet that you tried to make breakfast for me you know." I whispered in his ear, feeling him shiver when I spoke. He turned around in my arms, our bodies inches apart from each other.

"I messed up the coffee." He said dead serious. I immediately backed out of our embrace.

"You did what?! "

"It was just a joke Connor." He laughed.

"That's not funny." I whined.

"Yes it is."

"What if I would mess up your Nutella?"

"You can't mess up Nutella. It's in a jar. You buy it like that." He had a good point but not good enough.

"Well I can put it in the fridge so that it is hard and you can't eat it properly."

"That's against all the Nutella rules!" He shouted. It's cute that he gets so defensive over his Nutella.

"There are Nutella rules?" I asked in disbelieve.

"Well uh yeah, on tumblr there are."

"Don't say that you follow Nutella blogs?"

"Uh.....maybe." I giggled. Why doesn't this surprise me at all?

"But your dash is full of coffee posts so don't dare say something about me." Okay he has a point. I might have a slight obsession with coffee.

"Yeah yeah it's good. Let's change the subject."

"That's only because you can't win." Okay that was also true. Oh god where is the time I could win all our debates?

"But you do love my obsession with coffee, don't you?"

"If you love my Nutella obsession."

"Of course I do." I smiled, giving him a quick peck on his forehead. "Let's clean this mess up and make some breakfast together."

"I'm sorry for ruining your morning."

"Troye you didn't ruin my morning. It's far more exciting than all the mornings I've had in this apartment."


"Yeah plus I spend it with you so it's always better no matter what you drop on the floor." I laughed.

"Even if I dropped your coffee machine?"

"Don't push it Mellet, my love for coffee wins everything." He just laughed whilst we finally began to clean the floor.


We made some pancakes together, not without some struggle though, having to clean the kitchen again because the ingredients got everywhere. It was all on accident, we were definitely not throwing flour at each other, not at all.

"Uh Troye before you sit down you may want to brush of your pants." I said whilst admiring the floury hand print I left on his butt. It did result in getting flour in my hair but I honestly don't care, admiring his butt is way better.

"Oh shut up and come eat with me." I did what he said and sat down in front of him, eating the pancakes that didn't burned or didn't fell on the ground whilst trying to flip it over. I guess that our pancake flipping skills aren't that good neither are our baking skills. We just suck at cooking in general, c'mon look at us, Troye drops everything to the ground and I pretend to know everything about cooking and how you need to do things whilst I actually don't know a thing about it and need to search everything on the internet. Thank god that internet exists. Yeah yeah I know there are things called cookbooks but it's so much work to find what you're looking for. On the internet you don't even need to know the name of your dish. You just type in random words that describe it and that magical thing called Google will find it.

"Yeah Troyeboy?" I smiled only then noticing how serious his face suddenly was.
"What are we going to do when I'm back in Australia?" To be fair I didn't thought about that at all.
"Uh I don't know Troye." I said honestly because I really don't know. Should we have a long distance relationship? Hardly any of them work out but there is no other option or we need to be just friends again.....
"We can make this work Connor." At least one of us saw it working out because I didn't. The pessimist in me telling that long distance never works, that you either forget each other or die of jealousy. I know I would never forget him and yeah maybe I would be a bit jealous but the main thing is just my thoughts that will tell me this is wrong, that this isn't going to work out even though I can't know that. We need to at least try it.
"We can skype like we used to do before, maybe even more." Only now I noticed I hadn't replied at all to what he said about it working out. He must really think I don't give it a chance but I will. It must work out and it's going to work out.
"Yeah it will be okay. We can do this." Maybe if I say this enough, I will start to believe it myself.

Hello peepz :)
8k READS almost 9 that's insane!! Thanks to everyone who's reading this.
Don't kill me for the ending. I gave you fluff in the rest of the chapter and the previous one so no need to complain. 
So yeah BYE xxx

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