~1~ Long time no see

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Connor's pov

I've been looking forward to this day. My two best friends are coming over, Troye and Tyler. I love to hang out with them and they seem like the only people where I'm really myself with. Okay maybe not totally myself. There is this part of me that I hide for everyone even for my parents. It's the part that I just want to forget about and if I say so, lately I've been doing a pretty good job at forgetting it. I haven't been thinking about it for a while now not since the last time I saw Troye and Tyler. It has been a few months since I last saw them. We were all just busy with travelling and focusing on our YouTube channels. I'm really happy that they could come and spend a week at my place. We skyped a week ago and decided to do this. It was something spontaneous but lately everything I did was rather spontaneous. I booked flights to places I had never been to before and if I'm honest, it was the best time in my life. This year was really the year that I was discovering myself. And as much as I love travelling, I just need my friends sometimes. They know how stressful youtube sometimes can be and they understand me like no other.

Tyler and Troye arrived at my apartment. I hugged bot of them. First Tyler and then Troye. Only hugging Troye wasn't the same as Tyler. I don't know why but it feels like it has always been like this. We were all so exited to finally see each other again that we kept talking about what we did and how much we wanted to do this stuff with the three of us together. We always said that we needed to travel somewhere with just us three, but it never really happened though.

I still remember the time that Troye and Tyler travelled together. I was actually supposed to go with them but then Brandon got sick and they wanted me to come home. Of course Tyler and Troye understood that and as much as I wanted to be there for my family, I still think about the fact that it could've been one of the best moments in my life. I feel like it brought Troye and Tyler closer as friends, just friends. I know they are this big troyler ship but I know it's nothing more than that. They didn't only tell me that but I could just see it. They are really good friends, we all are. They are the best friends I can think of.

I always say they are both my best friends but my bond with Troye is a lot different than that with Tyler. That's not a bad thing though, it just makes me think a lot. Mostly about that part I want to forget. That's the thing, always when I'm with them I keep getting lost in thought. It can make my mind go crazy, but at the same time I feel relaxed when I'm with them.

Troye's pov

You can't imagine how happy I am to spend this week at Connor's place. Even though we only decided it a week ago, I couldn't shut up about it and I think I've never been this exited just to spend a week with my 2 best friends. It just has been so long since we saw each other. Yeah we skyped a lot especially me and Connor but that's not always that easy with the time difference. I still find time zones weird things. I really love spending time with Connor and sometimes I'm even sad that as we spend time together it's always with Tyler. Don't get me wrong, I love Tyler he's an amazing friend and without him I would've never been where I am now. I just feel like I've spend more time with Tyler than with Connor. That isn't really true, I think that all the time that me and Connor skyped is way more than the time I spend with Tyler.

Currently I'm actually in Tyler's car. He picked me up from the airport so we could go together to Connor's apartment. Connor kept insisting that he would pick me up, but I know him, he would be there way too early and I don't want him to wait that long. So I decided that driving along with Tyler was a better idea.

We soon arrived at Connor's place and rang at the door. He immediately opened it, it almost seemed like he was waiting in front of it until we were there. He hugged us both, me for a shorter period of time though than Tyler. It's probably just my imagination and if it was really shorter then that isn't weird, it's not that he's counting how long he hugs us. It's just coincidence.

We decided to spend our first day rather lazy because we were all just tired. Connor suggested that we could watch a movie so that's what we are going to do now. I don't know what movie they had chosen. I wasn't really paying attention to it. I didn't care though, I just want to get all cozy on the couch with some blankets, hot chocolate and Connor. Oh and Tyler of course.

Connor sat down in the middle. Between him and Tyler was some space but I was just snuggled up against him with my head on his shoulder. He tensed up a bit when I came so close. Would he mind if I did this?

"Connor do you mind if I put my head on your shoulder? It's just comfy for me but if you don't want that I can..."

"No it's fine" He quickly said before I could even say everything. Not that I mind though. I love to be close to him and if he doesn't have a problem with it then neither have I. I just hope he really doesn't mind because he's still so tense. It seems like he can't relax himself. Maybe it's just because of all the stress lately. He told me a few times that he struggled with relaxing himself and especially around people. I wonder why. I just wanted him to relax and I even wanted to give him a little neck massage but I thought that would be a little too weird to do right now.

The movie was halfway and we were still sitting in the same position. Connor seemed to have relaxed a bit but then he suddenly started moving. I lifted my head of his shoulder so he could move.

"I'm gonna get some coffee do you guys want anything?" He asked when he left the couch leaving me alone with a cold feeling because his warm body wasn't next to me anymore.

"Uh another hot chocolate if that isn't too much work" I smiled at him but he avoided eye contact with me. Weird.

"Same as Troye" Tyler said.

"Okay" Connor simply answered.

Connor left to make the drinks, leaving me and Tyler alone. We didn't speak we just watched the movie. I wasn't really paying attention to it. I was just thinking about the fact that Connor avoided eye contact with me. That's nothing for Connor, he always makes eye contact. That's just a sort of his way of smiling and showing emotions.

"Here are your drinks." He put them down on the table and sat down in the couch in a way that it wasn't possible for me to snuggle up to him. It's not like that was a big deal to me. Okay maybe a little bit.

"So what happened in the movie when I was gone?" As much as I wanted to tell him what happened, I couldn't because I wasn't paying attention. Connor looked at me for a moment but I staid silent and was glad that Tyler spoke up to tell him. Before Connor turned his head I could see a little frown. As in why I didn't just tell him. I would've told him the truth why not but that would've been a little bit awkward. I couldn't just tell him that I was thinking about him and that I wanted to snuggle up to him.

After Tyler explained what happened in the movie we were now all just focusing on it. Just watching the movie like it was the most interesting thing ever, but I was actually more interested in what Connor was thinking right now. He's acting so weird.


Woohoo my first chapter of this fanfiction! I hope you liked it and want to read more. I don't know how regularly I'm going to update but I will try my best to update often.

So yeah that was all that I wanted to say. Only one more thing. I want to thank @Yooknowwhoo for listening to me and helping me making decisions about how I want this story to go. It helped me a lot so thank you!

So Bye xxx Marlies

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