~24~ Coming out

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Connor's pov (before some of you may get confused, this takes place before Connor is on the beach. He's just on his way to his parents.)

The drive to my parents seemed longer than I remembered it. I haven't been there in a while, I actually feel kinda bad for not visiting them. I wonder how they're doing. Especially Dustin and Brandon, Dustin lives on his own so I guess I'm not going to see him.

I saw my childhood house at the end of the street. I parked my car neatly and stepped out of it. My heart started to beat faster with every step I took closer to the door. I was now only a knock away of getting to see my family. My hand almost knocked on the door but I pulled it away. What if they're angry at me for not visiting them for so long?

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, revealing my mom. She probably had seen my car.

"Connor! Sweety! I'm so happy to see you. I haven't seen you in so long. What did you bring here? How's your life been going all this time? Did you find a job? Is there-"

"Mooom can I come in first?"

"Oh how stupid of me, of course just go to the living room. I'll make you some coffee? You do still like coffee, no?"

"Yeah I still like coffee." I chuckled. Maybe this won't be so bad. She seems so happy to see me again.

I sat down in the familiar spot on the couch where I used to sit when I still lived here. For a moment it felt like nothing changed, that everything was just the same like it used to be but that won't be for long because I've changed.

"Connor is here!" I heard my mom shout to who I guess is my dad and maybe Brandon. Not a second later Brandon came running in to the room, throwing himself at me.

"Connor I missed you so much! Don't go away for so long again." It hurt me to hear him say that. I really did not show any sign of me. It's not his fault that I wanted to get away from here. I feel so bad for leaving him here alone.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"Just don't do it again, okay?" I nodded.

"I promise." He released me from his tight hug and sat down next to me.

"So why are you here? Don't tell me it's just to see us because I know that's not true." That boy knows me way too good.

"I want to tell you guys something, something that is really important to me." A frown found his face.

"Oh, is it something good or bad? You're not going to move to another country, are you?"

"No, I stay in LA and yeah it depends on what you think of it." I know I was really confusing him right now, I just wanted to wait until my parents were here with us to tell him.

My mom entered the room with a cup of coffee in her hand, my father following close behind her. They both sat down in the other couch.

"So Connor how's life going for you? Did you find a job?" My mom asked. Was that really the only thing she cared about, my job?

"He's still doing YouTube." My brother said proudly. I was surprised that he even knew I still did. Does he watch my videos?

"Oh...and you don't have another job?" Disappointment showing in her voice.

"No I make my money with it."

"Oh okay then." She never liked the idea of me posting videos on the internet. It was my way of escaping reality but she just found it dumb. I needed to get a real job according to her. This conversation wasn't leading to good things.

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