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The Zayn Malik thing in twenty-six = life. Oh btw guys I saw One Direction on Saturday and Sunday and THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL

My ringtone was a Justin Bieber one I'd set when I first got my phone. I had been fourteen when I got an iPhone three for my birthday. Ashton laughed at it now, like it was an extinct dinosaur, everyone else I knew had iPhones 4s. I was stuck with my old 3, it couldn't even video. But I loved it, not so much when it screeched Justin Bieber in public places, (okay I needed to change that) or when it lagged. I was in the food court of Westfield when it had one of its JB moments. It wasn't too much of a problem though I had to admit, because of who was calling.

"Ash." I answered.

"Umm. Hey." his voice came through the phone. I had thought he was still at home, but he seemed to have background noise, quite a lot.

"Where are you?" I asked. He could possibly be here at the mall.

"Yeah, I'm at the airport. Sorry."

"What, are you taking Daisy or something..?"

"We are headed over to meet some producers, they are gonna help us write some songs."

"You mean the boys are with you?"

"Yeah, and our mums, Michael's dad too."

"Well, oh um okay." I was still confused but was trying to concentrate on getting around the crowded mall. Even though it was a fairly nice day, since it was break plenty of kids were here shopping. I think even some premature Christmas shoppers.

"I'm really sorry, I have to go Cal! I'll call you when I can? We are about to go through customs and we are gonna be late for our flight, Liz was taking too many photos. Bye." I heard his rushed voice, an excited, almost exhilarated tone in it.

"Bye." I muttered, as the beeps representing the end of the call sounded.

I was on my way to Victoria's Secret to grab a new bikini and hopefully body spray, mostly because I knew I was going to the beach with Ashton today, not anymore.. I did a double loop and ended out just sitting down at the nearest restaurant in the food court. It happened to be Italian so I just ordered a big bowl of pasta for my self. When it arrived, I sat down and picked at it a bit, putting a few bits in my mouth.

"I thought you and carbs weren't friends anymore?" I heard a voice from behind. Turning around it was Odessa. "Hey Callie, you didn't go to the airport with Ashton?"

"You knew about that?" Odessa sat down next to me.

"You didn't?"

"No." I shrugged trying to act like it didn't upset me, which it kind of did. I was really excited for today with him. Now I was left lonely, picking at a big bowl of carbs.

"You know what, we arent friends." I said pushing my bowl away from me and getting up from the chair, referring to the carbs, not Ashton or Odessa.

I had to try and get myself into a movie or a book, once I was home, but I really couldn't. I chose to take myself down to the beach. I wasn't sure to which one Ashton would've taken us, but it'd have had to been better than this one. I think the one I was at was Bondi actually, they seemed to be filming the lifeguards for that famous show.

Not really comfortable with swimming alone in the ocean, I just lay on the beach. I was sort of tired, and I think I w as staring to fall asleep. A photo came through from Ashton, one of him and the band at front of the QANTAS sign at the airport, then another one which included the mums, and a third one of just him andAnne.

Shortly after he sent "Michael cried."

I smiled to myself and bit my lip. An annoying habit I'd started, I think I'd kind of picked it up from Luke, he was always biting there, he talked about getting it pierced all the time. "Mikey aww haha. First airplane ride?"

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