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||||/ Hey. I hope you all liked chapter 5. I tried to write this but I'm still crying over After 3 and I'm listening to More than This and Moments okay,

I was the first to wake up, at first I was disorientated and confused as to where I was exactly. It only took seeing Luke sleeping all over the Monopoly board to make the memories of last night flood back in to my mind.

I looked down at myself, I was still in Ashton's shirt. Ashton. He kissed me.

I still hadn't put my thoughts on this in order yet. I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

I heard a buzzing and then Liam a Payne started singing again. I'd forgotten to turn my alarm off. As I scrambled over to grab my phone to turn my alarm off I slipped on the Monopoly money. I swear it seemed to happen in slow motion when I landed right on top of Luke. Shit.

WhenI heard him yell out and curse I knew my purpose had been defeated. The other boys were sure to be woken up by his screeching.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I squeaked. Luke looked like he was trying to hold back laughter shook his and managed to say "It's fine." without cracking up.

My alarm was still buzzing and I reached over to grab my phone and saw I had notifications. 10 missed calls from my mother. I called her back and she picked up on the first ring.

"Callie." she gushed into the phone, relief flooding her tone.

"Mum. I'm so sorry I forgot to call you, Im staying at Ben's place." I lied.

"Oh how is Ben? Do you think I could chat with him for a moment?" She asked, completely falling into my lie.

"Umm well no, he's in the shower." I lied again, I hated lying, one lie always led to having to make another one up.

Saying them over the phone wasn't as bad, but I still felt guilty.

I was getting towards the end of the call filling mum in on Ben and my shopping trip when someone started humming, loudly. I turned around to see who had betrayed my plan, it was Ashton. His curly hair was all over his face and he was still in just his boxers like the other boys.

I tried to get him to shit up by urgently moving my free hand, the one in the cast, around to get him to shut up. He didn't get the message so he just mockingly copied my actions.

I was attempting to mouth the words "It's my mum." to him but it was too late she was already asking "Callie, who is that?"

"That's Ben's friend." the lies were coming to me more easily now.

"Well okay, be home by dinner tonight, we are going out." mum told me.

"Sure mum, me and Ben are just hanging around today." I really had to tell Ben about this so he'd cover for me.

"Okay honey, I love you, bye." I answered back "Bye." and hung up.

"Hey." Ashton greeted me as I entered the kitchen. He and I were the only ones in here and the awkwardness that last night lacked had made a comeback this morning. The air had a thin layer of tension, still not as bad as I had thought, this boy was so relaxed and fun, there was hardly room to feel anything else.

"Hey." I replied cheerfully with a yawn. He was looking at my shirt and then I felt extremely awkward remembering that I was in his shirt.

"I should change." I told him feeling self conscious even though he had looked away.

"It's fine trust me, it looks good on you. You should keep it so you can wear it around and tell everyone about us." Ashton offered with a smirk at the last thing he said.

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