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We stopped back at Ashton's for an hour or so before the gig. The boys all got changed quickly and then sat around on the lounge talking up their upcoming performamce.

They all seemed quite nervous which was really cute.

I spent this time getting myself ready, I remained in the same red dress but I changed my look completely. The first thing I did was rip out my hair band and straighten my hair. I then applied

makeup. I was quite obsessed with fashion and one of my favourite things to do was transform an outfit to have a whole different look by using accessories and makeup. I contoured my face slightly then applied foundation, powder, blush, mascara and heavy black eyeliner on my waterline. I wasn't completely caked but you could honestly not even tell I was wearing the same thing as before because I looked so different.

I still wore my glasses because I wanted to be able to see the boys on stage, I really wanted contacts though. I'd have to book in to get some.

"You ready Callie?" I heard one of the boys call from upstairs. I think it was Luke.

"Yeah, let me just grab my shoes and purse." I called back, doing just as I said I would. I grabbed my white high heel stilettos and purse then ran upstairs barefoot.

The boys were all waiting around the door for me. I felt embarrassed that I took so long, I was sure the boys weren't used to having to wait for girls to get ready.

Once we had all loaded into my car, and I was just starting the engine (Ashton actually let me drive this time) I asked the boys what their gig was tonight.

"We are actually supporting a band at Enmore." Michael answered. The other boys weren't really speaking much, out of nerves I assumed, but there was still a buzzing, electric atmosphere within the car which made me feel more a sense of excitement and anticipation than nervous.

"That's sick. I think what you guys are doing is great." I told them. They needed to hear the truth, I never wanted them to stop this band thing because they all had such talent.

"Awww thanks love." said Luke with a slight hint of mock and sarcasm in his tone of voice.

"What are we performing tonight." Calum asked after a few more silent minutes of driving.

"Do the new EP I reckon plus maybe a few covers." Ashton answered.

"You have to do Out of My Limit." I told them, "And Jesy Rae, that was the best."

"Yeah I reckon the EP, Jesy Rae and What I like about You." Michael said.

"We're meant to do like four though, aren't we?" Luke asked.

"Nah mate it's six." Calum answered him. I almost laughed at the use of the word 'mate,' these boys were so Aussie and I loved it. The way they spoke to each other was so laid back and really quite relaxing, not a hint of stress radiated from any of the boys, even now when they were nervous.

We arrived at the venue, it was the a theatre, not too small, quite decently sized, in the middle of the city. This made me question the purpose of driving into the city, driving back to Ashton's, then driving in again. Soon we'd be driving back again.

The boys had to go backstage and set up, Luke offered to try and get the security to let me go backstage as well but I declined and said I was happy just waiting in the crowd. I'd always been someone who didn't need other people to get on with life, I could travel the world alone and be perfectly content.

I grabbed a drink and a bar of chocolate before I went to get good seats, it was just a water. I didn't drink alcohol and I was underage anyway. Why do people believe that being intoxicated is the way to have a good time? I had always thought it pointless and what good comes from it in the end? None really. I'd had one hangover in my life and that was the end of the road for me, I swore to never drink that much again.

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