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The end of school bell was a Coldplay song which I had always liked. when I reached my car I let out a huge sigh of relief, my shoulders relaxed, I hadn't realised how stiff they were. The day wasn't so bad, no one was mean to me and I had made a couple of semi-friends.

On the drive back home I was trying to think of what Ashton's song for the teacher said. I wondered if he was any good at song writing. I secretly hoped so but I wouldn't admit it to myself. The reason was stupid anyway but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him writing a song and singing it for me.

I sound so cliché right now! I need to stop these thoughts from controlling my mind. I'd hardly met the boy.

When I got home mum and dad weren't there. I hadn't seen them all day. There was just a note on the bench saying:

We'll be home at 7:00pm, if you want dinner before then there's food in the fridge or you can order pizza. Hope you had a good day, love you
-mum xox

I was actually quite glad that they were out. I was free to eat chocolate and watch TV in the lounge room and let a few tears escape thinking of how much I missed home- without my mother's guaranteed interrogation. While channel surfing I came up with a game plan for the afternoon:

•raid cupboard for chocolate
•watch a movie in the lounge room
•work off chocolate by going for a run or finding a gym
•come home before 7:00pm so I can order pizza.
Don't think about Ashton

The last one was harder than it seemed. During my pantry raid I found a block of Lindt milk chocolate and packet of flakes. I couldn't decide so I chose both. Gosh, I'm bad with willpower. I chose to watch Twilight. It was a secret obsession of mine which had grown to be quite intense. I had always been a fangirl. Boy bands and hot, romantic vampires happened to be my weaknesses.

When the movie was over I changed into a sports bra and running clothes and decided to just run instead of finding a gym. I'd rather not pay for something that can be done for free. So when I'd laced up my nikes I grabbed my phone and some headphones and started jogging around the streets. I honestly had no idea where I was but I knew I'd be able to retrace my steps back home.

After running for about ten minutes I kind of forgot that I was in public, I was lost in the music. I hadn't realised that I'd started singing along. Out loud. "Tell me I'm a screwed up mess, that I never listen listen." I sang along with the sound of Zayn Malik's angelic voice. "Tell me you don't wan't my kiss, that you need your..." I looked up and four boys were walking towards me on the footpath. They were quite far off but as they approached me I was sure that the one on the far left with curly hair pushed back by a bandana was Ashton.

No, no, this cannot be happening. I pretended not to notice him and turned into the next street, hoping that wasn't where they were headed as well. My head was spinning from what just happened and the music was all of a sudden too loud in my ears I started getting all dizzy but I tried to force myself to keep running.

I'm not really sure what happened but I knew that I had passed out.

Ashton's POV

"Ash?" Michael said, demanding an answer to the question he had just asked me that I had already forgotten. For some reason I couldn't stop myself from thinking of the hot new girl at school. She was honestly so gorgeous but she acted like she didn't have a clue and I know it was stupid of me to even think about her like that since she'll never be interested in me.

"Sorry, what?" I replied.

"Race you back to Luke's?" he proposed.

"Your on." I answered. I'd never turn down an opportunity to beat Michael's ass.

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