thirty two

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(I bet you are all necking yourselves bc fetus. Watch the video attached it's from this chap)

Guys can I I just say that Callie doesn't have this weird crush on the other boys she just finds them all really cute, I mean are you telling me you wouldn't? (also she still finds them extremely attractive bc it's true but she isn't actually attracted to them bc Ashton)


There were about two instances in which Ashton Irwin would get slightly violent.

1. When Michael Clifford and Calum Hood said anything perverted towards myself

2. Whilst playing the drums

In any other circumstance he worried that he might've hurt the grass when he stepped on it.

Somehow he managed to squeeze all three examples above into one busking trip.

I'd spent the morning out of my bed, for a change. I'd spent the two previous days in bed with a bad case of PCD. Also known as Post Concert Depression. Me and Ashton had a cute little date in a local coffee shop. It was the first one we'd had in a while plus I hadn't seen him for a total of four days, so I had to look good for him. This took a while to make happen because of the odd weather patterns of late. There were three days until summer started here in Australia, a fact I still found quite strange, coming from a place where December meant freezing weather and snow. Despite the fact summer was on its way, it was a little chilly today so I put in a new pair of denim overalls, the type that reached my ankles, with a cool little crop under it. I added some new sunnies that had cost me $70 and all, doing the accessories thing. I made sure I still had on the Tiffany &Co. necklace he bought me at the formal, even though I basically wore that permanently.

I came about joining Ashton, Michael, Luke and Calum on their busking expedition when I asked Ashton to spend the rest of the day with me, but he said he couldn't because of the busking. After a minute of him whinging about it, "I can't deal with anymore of their crap. Actually I probably can but I haven't had enough time to stare at you yet."

"What!" I giggled.

"You're pretty! And I'm a dude. It's like kind of.. nature." he explained with his hands all up in the air like he was defending himself.

"Alrightio, Irwin." I let him off the hook, but still laughing at the fact he had said that.

"Alrightio. Well do you mind coming with us? We kind of need someone to pretend to be interested to attract other girls who will buy our albums and get us famouser than Kim Kardashian." he asked.

"Can I please?"

"I just offered babe." he kissed my cheek. He was being all flirty today, which caused no trouble.

We left by ten from Michael's house in his Dad's van, the only vehicle we had access to that fit all the instruments and the people.

The violence related to comments towards me coming from Calum Hood or Michael Clifford occurred on the drive in to Hyde Park. Ashton sat in the middle seat in the back so he could sit next to me (and have his left hand on my right thigh the whole way which caused a lot of internal swooning for me) but also be next to Michael, who had just recently dyed his hair back to a shade that Ashton called 'unicorn.' He just commented on Ashton's hand placement telling him to 'move it up a bit further.' I laughed, slightly embarrassed.
Ashton was embarrassed too, I could tell, but instead of laughing he whacked Michael's arm. Mike hardly flinched, but when the situation had settled Ash still went on and apologised to not just Michael, but the whole car, for his display of violence. He really seemed to have something against it. Not that I didn't, I couldn't stand the thought of intentionally harming someone else, but Ashton more so.

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