Chapter Six: A bond

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Mid-day I find out there's a chemistry test and I get no exception for being new.

But then I think of Peter and how he's my "mission" so I get an idea.

"Hiya Parker"
I say strolling up next to him in the halls at the end of the day
"Oh- Hey Vero- Vee"
He corrects himself and I try not to laugh
"Ok I need help. I have this chem test soon and Im not really good with this chem stuff... I know how super smart you are and-"
Before I could finish he glared at me and says
"Do you want my notes"
"Huh- wha- no I wanted to ask you to tutor me"
We both stopped at the end of the hall where there wasn't many student so we could talk
"Me? Tutor? When?"
He asks. I know he has all his spiderman-ing to do but hopefully he says yes
"Like after class now?"
He goes on to say
"Um when did you say your chem test was again?"
I laugh
"The same time as yours, were in the same chem class. Its like in a few days but I want to get a head start..sooo could you help me study today?"

He looked down at his phone then put it in his back pocket. He looks out the window.
"..yeah- sure. Okay."
"We can study at that library- I passed it yesterday. It seems really nice and quiet there"

He nods then we head out the door.
We get in my car.
"Your car is really nice by the way"
I put the keys in the ignition, looking up at Peter as he spoke.
I couldn't help but smile at him
"Why thank you"
I say then rethink what I just said
Whyd I say that.. like that
"You're starting to sound like an asgardian. Maybe you shouldn't keep reading those books"
He says making me laugh.
"I'll have to give you credit Parker you pay a lot more attention to my then I thought you did- but no I am never stopping I love those books. Helps me for physics class."

His cheeks flushed with pink but looked out the window to hide his face.

Then he looks back at me with a smile
"Do you like thor..?"

"Yeah. All of Asgard is really interesting to me. I just love superhero's In general, honestly"
I say to him taking a quick glance at him then looking back to the road.
"Who's... who's your favorite?"
He asks
I know he wants me to say Spiderman
"Captain America. He was honestly just a trendsetter for super hero-ing. Plus those videos Coach Wilson shows in PE are just show what a cool hero he is"

"Annnddd whos your second"
Oh Parker why are you finishing for a compliment

"Probably hulk. He's cool."
"Just cool?"
"Yeah. And what about you, who your favorite?"

Peters voice goes high pitched and squeaky "I don't think I have one"

Yeah right..

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