Chapter Thirty Six: Love Sick

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When I was about a half of a mile out from my house I spotted spiderman.. well Peter.
It had stopped raining and he was here.

He jumped down to help an older lady cross the street.

"Yeah! You have a good day miss"
I heard Peter say to the lady as I got closer.

Sipping what was left of my coffee I looked at him waiting for him to see me.

And when he did the eyes of his mask went wide, which is adorable.
"Hi- hey. What are you doing here"
He asks quietly while looking around.

The street was empty it was just us so we could actually talk
"I was walking home after getting some breakfast"
I explain
"Right- you don't have your car"
He says
I nod.

"Call a cab"
He says and I sigh
"I wanna walk. If I wanted to get in a car I would've gotten one while it was raining"

He chuckles
"You be safe. Ok?"
I say softly and he blows me a kiss and swings off.

"W-were you just talking to spiderman?"
Flash asks behind me

I spin around and panic.
Why is he here.
Why is he talking to me.
Oh god what do I say
"He uh-"
I'm used to lying why can't i think of anything

Then it hits me
"Yeah I was. He recognized me from the decathlon"
"He recognized .. you?"
Flash repeats and I slowly nod

"That's so cool"
He mutters and I try to hold in my laugh
"But what are you even doing here, Flash?"
I ask him and he explains
"I live nearby I was going to do some errands. After spiderman borrowed and wrecked my fathers car he doesn't let me use any of his other cars"

I nod then we go our own ways. Once I get home I just do what I usually do; homework, cleaning, eating, reading, and binge watching. Nothing fun.

Around 9 Peter sends me a text that says
"Goodnight Vee. Sleep well. See you tmr x"

I practically melted seeing his text
Having a boyfriend is a different kind of love. Especially for someone like me who's hasn't felt love in a while.

Waking up in the morning I felt like I should be extra cute. So I did some light makeup, put my hair up, and found a cute outfit to wear.

I had woken up a bit too early and wasn't hungry enough to eat breakfast but was still hungry for something. So I decided to stop and get some coffee.
I picked up some coffee in the coffee shop I had gone to before. Thankfully the guy who was working yesterday wasn't working this morning.

I went to school and sat on the steps while I waited.
"Are you and Peter dating?"
I heard a voice ask behind me.

MJ was stood behind me. I stood up and looked at her
"Uh.. what..?"
I didn't know what to say
"Are you and Peter.. together?"

Nodding I softly say

Is all that MJ says before walking away
"Did I hear that right-"
Betty starts and comes over to me
"You and Peter..?"
She goes on and I nod
"To be honest. I kinda called it"
Betty says and I roll my eyes
"You have to tell me all about it. We should hangout afterschool"

Why is she being so friendly. Maybe she's finally recovered from liz leaving so she's nice to me again.
"Uh sure- wait I have this thing. How bout' tomorrow?"
"Sure. Text me a good time"
She says then trots off into the school

Ya know I kinda hated betty when I first met her but now that I've gotten to know her. She's actually not that bad.

The buses had arrived and the boys walked out seeming to be having a heated conversation.

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