Chapter Eighteen:The two

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This delmars place wasn't far from the school. Peter said it used to be somewhere else but he blew it up while doing his spiderman stuff so Delmar.. the shop owner. Had to move to a different place.

While walking to it Peter, was infront of me guiding to the place and while doing so he took my hand to guide me better and the second he noticed he was holding my hand he let go. It was like a minute long thing but it still made me blush.

Once we got inside I was instantly attracted to a cat on the glass. I pet it a few times before just staying by peters side.
"Mr.Delmar this is my friend Vee she's sorta new in town. Never been here"
Peter introduces me and I shake Delmars hand.
"I love your cat"
I blurt out making him laugh
"Thank you but what can I get for you"
He asks once he stops laughing
"The usual"
Peter says and I look at the menu
"Just.. give me whatever peters getting."
I say looking at Peter then back at Delmar
"And if i don't like it then it'll give me an excuse to come back"
I joke
"You got it, kid"
Delmar says going to his sandwich area.

I cross my arms across my chest and look around. The shop is small but it's like a weird, cozy, small.

Then when Delmar finished our sandwiches Peter pays and then I grab mine and start to leave. Peter was about to follow but Delmar keeps him in there. I hold the door open waiting for them to be done.

I pretend not to listen but they're talking.. well whispering really loud.

"Is that your girlfriend?"
Delmar asks Peter
"No! No no no. She's just my friend.. from school."
Peter whispers in a high voice
"Well she's pretty so you might want to re-consider that"
Delmar says and Peter groans loudly.

He finally walks out and I smile to him
"Bye Mr.Delmar. It was nice meeting you!"
I say, waving. Right before I let go of the door.

"Do you go there a lot?"
I ask walking to my car
"Yeah. I wasn't going for awhile after I burnt his first place but once he got a new place I was going back a lot"

We get into my car and I finally taste the sandwich
"Not bad"
I say and Peters mouth widens
"Wha- 'not bad' they're better then 'not bad'"

I laugh
"Just messing with you Parker"

"Can you take me home I wanna track some bad guys"
Peter asks and I start drive. He tells me where to go but then looks from the window to me
"How'd you figure out I'm spiderman?"

"A number of things."
I start to say then quickly think of something and go on
"But mainly your voice when you were saving me"

I glance at him then keep my eyes on the road
"I thought I was doing a good job to disguise my voice"
"You were until.. you weren't"
I say making him laugh.

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