Chapter Thirty Eight: a day of work

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Peter doesn't even look at me when I walk over.

I'm already annoyed and every little thing is aggravating me even more.
I say and Peter and MJ stop talking to look at me
"Hey Vee"
Peter says
MJ says then sighs

"I just wanted to tell you I'm gonna go to the library. So once your done with detention just come there and we can go to the place"
I say with a small smile
Peter groaned
"Shoot- I promised MJ we would go get ice cream after detention"

Promised.. what?
"What- you know how important going to this place is"
I say
Peter opens his mouth and looks at MJ, looking like he was about to say something. MJ whos leaning against the wall, shrugs. She shrugs like she's saying don't look at me. You deal with her

"I go with you tomorrow"
Peter finally says

I have so much annoyance already built up in me that this is just the tip of iceberg.
He hasn't even asked me why I went to the office..

"Don't bother"
I say and walk away towards the library.
"I should go see what's up with her"
I hear Peter say down the hall and then I hear MJ say
"She seems fine and anyways you'll get in trouble if you leave"

I don't go to the library but instead stop at the restroom where instantly start balling.

It goes on for about 5 minutes. Me crying, overthinking, trying to calm myself down, but then getting more upset.

I just blew up at the person I care about most in this world and I feel horrible about it.

Just then I feel my hands doing the power thing again. Leaving the sink cracked and the wall beside it have a hole through it.

That was a lot more powerful then before.
So with that I stop crying and go straight to Tony.

I tell him the short version of what just happened and so then he takes me to a room. It looks like a little eating area.

"Alright kid i want you to think of everything and everyone that has ever hurt you and try to take that energy out on this chair"
Tony instruct me
So I think for a moment and I do the same thing like I did at the beach.
"Oh my gosh- I just controlled my powers!"
I say and Tony gives me high fives.

He takes me to another room. An empty room.
"We were saving this room for storage but a power test room is good too"

So all evening Tony helps me with my powers and he makes a name for it. My "Hand Canons"
We also discover a few more other powers I have. Like my moms powers..

While Tony is showing me a suit idea he has a beautiful girl walks in.


I gasp and try to hold my excitement.

"I cannot get food. My phone needs new batteries."
Wanda hands Tony a landline phone and he takes it.
"Not cooking tonight?"
Tony asks
"Vision had a not so great idea for dinner and it was disgusting"

"Be right back kid. Wanda stay here I'll get you some batteries"
Tony says to Wanda and I and we both stay.

Wanda says with a small wave.
"Hi Wanda.. Maximoff. I'm Vee.. you're amazing"
I say trying not to fan girl

She smiles.
"You know me?"
I nod
"Yeah I see you on the news and I read about you in superhero books."
I say taking a step towards her.
"It's nice to meet you"
She says softly.

Tony comes back with her phone and she leaves.

So then me and Tony work on my powers and work on this suit Tony was working on that he  says  I can control my power with.

He gets pizza for me.. well he steals a piece of wandas pizza for me. and while I eat he works on the suit.

We're in the area where I slightly destroyed the chair so I'm looking out the big window of the room while eating. This place is very nice.

"What do you think"
Tony asks holding up his sketch and I approve.

Then the elevator ding and opens
Peter starts but pauses

The Girl with Lies {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now