Chapter Thirty Two: Sleepover

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After we finished up with Tony he told me.. and Peter. That he wants to start doing some tests with me after school.

Peter offered me to stay at his house and of course I said yes.

Sitting on his bed, holding a pillow as I watch Peter pick up some of the stuff off his floor.
"When's your aunt going to be home?"
I ask trying to fill the silence

Peter paused and looks at the time
"In about 3 hours. Depending if she gets groceries or not"

I nod and he stays looking at me.

"You ok?"
I ask and he shrugs and goes back to picking up  his stuff.

I lean my head against the ladder to the top bunk and think about why Peter hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet or kissed me after that first time.
We're both pretty awkward so I can see why he hasn't done anything.
Why did he even ask me to stay with him..? We're not even talking. I have my own home that I could've easily gone back to. Like yeah I did have to drive him home but I do that all the time. Why this time did he ask

"Want something to drink"
He asks making me take me out of my thoughts
"Uh I'm good. Thanks tho"
I say with a small smile.

He leaves the room and I sigh about to be trapped in my thoughts again but then he walks back in with board games.

With the cutest smile on his face he asks
"Wanna play something"

I giggle while nodding.

He sets down the boxes of games out and I point to twister cause he only had Monopoly, Uno, aka boring with two people. A deck of cards, and sudoku and those are just boring.

He lays out the twister mat in his living room. He spins a couple of times and then I end up practically on top of him. I can stop laughing from his stupid jokes and from the awkwardness. I feel my arms getting weak and fall on him.

Looking into his eyes I softly say
"That was rigged you do more physical activities then me"

He smiles and I stand up and help him up.
"I didn't say anything but I fell like two seconds before you"
I cross my arms and shake my head
"No way. You're strong, super strong. You can't just fall"
"Well I did. So you won"

I shrug and sit down on the couch once he puts the game away.

Peter grabs the deck of cards of the counter and sits down and hands it to me
"Parker you really need to invest in better board games"
He chuckles
"I don't use them very often"
"What do you and ned do then?"

Peter hesitates then says
"Last time we hung out.. we built a lego Death Star"
I look at him blankly
"A legit.. what?"
"Death star"
He repeats and I keep the same expression
"Have you never seen Star Wars?"
He asks, offended.
I shake my head and he gasps
"None of them?"

I laugh awkwardly and cluelessly say
"There's more then one..?"

Peter jumps up and grabs a box set of movies out of a lineup of movies under the tv.

He scrambles to put the movie on. Once he does he sits next to me looking as excited as ever.
Like a puppy when you say walk or treat.

We get through one and a half before his aunt gets home.

"Hi Ms.Parker"
I say as she walks in
"Hello Vee"
She says with a smile seeming unfazed that I'm here
"Hey may"
Peter says and I look back at the tv and continue to watch the movie.

May makes dinner for us and I help her make some brownies.
We get through a couple more movies before may declares that we should start getting ready for bed. So we oblige

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