Chapter Fifteen: In luck and stuck

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In the morning we all wake up so early. We jam out to music as we take turns using my straightener which puts us in a good mood.

I go to Peter and Neds room and bang on the door
"Five minute warning till we leave!"
I say loudly and Ned only responds which worry's me but I try to talk myself that Peter is fine and I'm just overthinking.

We go to the decathlon site and there's no sign of Peter at all.. then we start it. And he's a no show. I try to not think about him and focus but I end up having him take over my thoughts. Thankfully we end up winning and MJ says the winning point and we all celebrate and are super happy.

We go to the Washington monument to celebrate. On the way in through the security I build up the courage to call Peter.
He picks up and seems like he's running or doing something of that sorts
"Peter where are you?"
I insist
"You're alive! I-I mean hi Vee.. Is-is Ned there I need to say something to him"
I look at Ned and then keep talking
"Are you ok you left last night and I'm really worried about you"
"I'm fine Vee! Just please give the phone to Ned!"

I give my phone to Ned and they talk in whispers.

Mid talking Liz takes my phone and starts to talk
"Peter is that you?"
She says in a loud tone
"You are so lucky we won! Ya know I want to be mad but I'm more worried. Like what is going on with you?"
She says back to him but the conversation is cut short from having to put my phone on the conveyer belt.

We go into an elevator and a tour guide talks about the monument but then a burst of light comes out of the side of the elevator or somewhere near Ned..
Making the elevator have a big blast through it.

Liz and I exchange the same wide-eyed what the hell just happened look.

The elevator fills up with smoke and I begin to panic.

"We should all just stay calm"
I try to reassure everyone but my voice is shaky and unsure what I even said.

"We're all gonna die here"
Abe says
"Oh my god look at the ceiling!"
Charles points out as if we hadn't already seen it

The tour guide tries to calm us down but we all are barley listening to her.
Park rangers end up opening the doors to the elevator shaft. One by one we each get pulled out. Me and Liz are farther away from the shaft so we won't be getting out until everyone else
Liz quietly informs me that she thinks she hears helicopters.
Flash pushes his way infront of Liz as she tried to go out. He doesn't let go of the trophy for a second. I groan making a mental note to make him pay back for that later

The elevator shakes which makes me, Mr.Harrington, Ned, and Liz concerned being the ones still in the elevator.

I hear the window shatter and can slightly make out a red figure. I hope it's peter..

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