Chapter Thirty Four: Rooftop

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Once we get to a nice rooftop I look around and can't help but have the biggest smile on my face.
"This is so cool!"
I say a bit too loudly.

He pulls his mask off and laughs
"I say star gazing but I really mean looking at the town lights"

I lean against the edge of the building and look down
"New York is beautiful"

Peter had been sitting on the ledge and looking at me.
He says quietly

I breathe in the cold night air. Ive forgotten how much I love being out at night.

I look over at peter and his cheeks are pink.
I giggle and he gives me a weird look
He asks hopping off the ledge

He walks over to me and takes his jacket off and puts it around me
"You seem cold"
"I am. Thank you"
I whisper.

I put the jacket fully on then clear my throat getting an idea
"Dance with me"

I put my hand out and he hesitantly grabs it.
We spin around in circles and just sway in the cold. I end up having to stop from having a giggle fit.

Peter lays down on a blanket on the roof he had laid out. Once my laughing fades I lay next to him and look at the sky
"Thanks for taking me here"
I say turning to him.
He says smiling a bit

I sit up and look at him
"I heard what you and may were talking about when I was in the bathroom"
He groans and sits up
"You did..?"

Damn. I shouldn't have brought that up. Why did I bring that up.. I guess I'll just have to roll with it now.

"Yeah and I thought it-it was funny- not funny like haha but like uh.. ironic. That's the word.. um"
I pause and take a look at him cause he's listening like intently listening. I never seen someone give me this so-into-a-conversation look.

I go on and say
"It's ironic cause we both don't know how they relationship stuff works"

He chuckles
"Good thing it-it's not only me.."
He looks back at me then back out at the sky.
I lay back on the blanket but he stays sitting up.

"You ok, Parker?"
I ask looking up at him. He looks back at me and says
"Hm..? Uh- yeah."

I sigh. Did I just ruin this by bringing that up. I grab his arm and pull him back beside me.

He whines, teasing
I giggle for a second but then stop when I see hes looking at me.

"You have a pretty smile"
He whispers which makes my heart flutter

I stand up and hold out my hands
"We should get going"

He gets up and quietly says
"It's late"
I whisper back

Then I look at him and without saying anything I kiss him.

Instead of pulling away he pulls me closer. I put one arm around his neck and one on his shoulder. He put both of his hands around my waist.

I move my hand from his shoulder to his cheek as our kiss gets deeper.

We both pull away and while he's still holding me I can't help but smile.

I take a few steps away from him and breathe in the cold crisp air again.

I say turning back to him.
He turns to me and I sigh.

Ok I have an idea but
Do I want to go through with this though.

Peter asks probably wondering what I wanted to say
"Uh- ok um.. well- uh..."
I stumble over my words not even able to say what I want.

Gosh I hate this love stuff.

Peters looking at me confused still patience and waiting for me to just spit out what I'm going to say.

"Ok.. well"
I start to say

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