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Monarch by Shy Lennox

Glendale, AZ
Wednesday May 14th
Samir Cadaver | Sage

Samir has a couple friends that work at the gym he goes to that no ones about. It isn't that he's keeping them from anybody, nobody just 'cares' too ask or nobody expects the silent voiceless man to be able to have friends. They all think they're his only friends since they've know him his whole life and they think they know everything there is too know about him. However to be frank none of them even know why he is mute. He can't blame them for that though since he doesn't tell them anything.

Samir rarely ever reaches out to them, they don't get angry at him though nor do they feel annoyed by it. They all understand that Samir has bigger things to worry about - not that they know what they are - and that he doesn't enjoy participating in futile conversations or activities. One thing Samir does like though is being around his friends, they don't know that though since he doesn't tell them nor does he show it, however Samir does like it because he isn't judged and he feels respected. His closest friends would have to be Gianni and Jalen because they always check up on him and visit him daily, it hasn't been a day where they don't come over to Samir's house to see how he's doing.

They make it their #1 priority to make sure he's okay, they check his kitchen first to make sure he'd been eating because Samir doesn't care all too much for his health and he often forgets to stock up his fridge because he doesn't like being in public on his own, he feels targeted. Every night without fail he orders from McDonalds if home alone, he gets the same order everyday: a double quarter pounder combo meal and in the mornings he orders a sausage McGriddles meal.

Gianni doesn't like this though so she sometimes cooks him ready made meals and every week on Fridays she comes over to his house with groceries and stocks his kitchen as he silently sits on his island stool and watches her. He's never asked her to do anything for him nor has he asked anyone to do anything but yet she still does. One time Gianni had gone over and the house was cold and pitch black and every curtain was closed, Gianni was very unhappy with Samir and he could tell by the way she scolded him and lectured him. She told him how she was very scared he'd done something to himself and she forced him to come and live with her for nearly nine months.

She then bought him his own house right next to hers, now they're neighbours and that makes everything all the more easier. Samir never complains nor says anything in dispute because Gianni doesn't have to do absolutely anything for him but yet she does it all and she doesn't ask him for a thing, not even a greeting nor a thank you. She understands him best. At least that's what he likes to think, he likes to think they're best friends however he'll
never tell her that. He hopes that she never gets sick of him though Samir doesn't know too much about the human brain however he understands the simple concepts of it and humans tendencies to leave when things get difficult. Things got difficult decades ago though and Gianni still stays around so he doesn't think she'll do too much of leaving. At least he hopes so.

Samir also really appreciated Kaia, him and Kaia have a sibling type of bond. Kaia comes to him with everything and always makes sure he knows he can go to her with anything — not that he ever would.

If Samir didn't like any of his friends he'd have to say it'd be Soavi and Acacia, Soavi because of how he treats Addison. Addison doesn't bother anybody so he doesn't understand why Soavi treats him wrongly and makes rude comments about him and his sexuality. Addison expresses himself and Soavi doesn't like that, that confuses Samir greatly. How could you be unhappy with how someone chooses to express themselves? How could you actually dislike the fact that someone doesn't have the same sexual orientation to them? It sounds quite absurd to Samir.

A lot of things about society sound absurd to Samir though, he doesn't understand society much. He tries to and he is good at reading people however he doesn't understand why people just do certain things or act a certain way. It doesn't make sense to him.

Samir prefers to not go out, that's why he's rarely ever out. Samir doesn't like being in public, he doesn't like how he feels in public. He can't describe the feeling, not even on paper, but he just doesn't feel the same way as when he is safe alone at home. He's rarely ever alone though, except when he's working since he works in a graveyard, because Gianni doesn't like Samir being alone.

Nobody really lets Samir be alone, Soraya tells them that they need to back off of Samir because he's not a little kid. Samir likes that, he doesn't like being treated like some charity case or a lost puppy just because he's mute. Mutism isn't equivalent to idiocy, just in his situation it's more than just mutism. He's more than just a mute boy.

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