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Love Like This - Faith Evans

Surprise, AZ
Friday 12th September 2055
Mindy Cadaver | MM

Mindy sighed tiredly as she slipped out of her coat and chucked her shoes carelessly into their room.

She smiled at the distant sounds of her children's giggles.

She sat down on their queen sized bed and looked down at the rock and her finger. She caressed it with a soft smile on her face and thought back to the day where the love of her life proposed to her and then fast forward to five months where he got her pregnant.

She was overfilled with joy but also quite saddened since she didn't want to be 'fat' - in her words - on her wedding day. Her husband managed to coax her into it and they got married during her second trimester when she was 16 weeks pregnant.

Six months later her first child of many hopefully came out, her first son: Kenji Cadaver. She ended up getting pregnant again two months later with her first daughter: Kalea Cadaver. They took a two year break and had their second son: Hadrian Cadaver. A year later they had their last son, Raven Cadaver.

In that time Mindy advanced to chief nurse and became well respected in the nursing industry. She also went on to own hospitals thanks to her lovely husband who gave her every thing she ever wished she had. Samir remained a groundskeeper and would work at night and take care of the kids in the day. He was a literal stay at home day.

Montana thankfully went to culinary school and became Arizona's best chef, shockingly Samir came to him one day asking him to teach him to cook. They had months full of lessons where Montana would teach Samir how to beat it down in the kitchen and Samir would teach Montana his language - ASL. So it was safe to say the roles had really been reversed.

"Hey mommy!" Raven ran to his mother and jumped into her lap as she smiled at him.

"Hello my beautiful baby boy, how are you on this lovely day my son?" Raven giggled at his mother wording as he leaned up and pecked her cheek.

"I'm good mama, today we built a treehouse!" Soon a stampede of footsteps could be heard approaching their bedroom.

"Is that so? That sounds fun." Raven nodded his head frantically as his siblings soon joined him crowding around his momma.

"Hey mommy." Kalea waved shyly at her mother. Mindy's boys had all inherited the energetic side of their mother par Hadrian who was a copy of his father, whilst Kalea was a shy introverted small young girl.

"Hello mommy's beautiful baby girl, hello my loves." She kissed her children's forehead which left them all smiling.

"H-how was work momma!" Samir had always taught his children how to greet their mother when she came home from a long probably stressful day at work and they made sure to abide by it every time.

"It was good thank you for asking my petal," Kenji smiled proudly, "how was school, Ken?" Kenji was the only one in school out of choice, he wanted to attend school whilst his other siblings preferred to be home schooled by their father.

It should be quite hard teaching three different grades at the same time but Samir preferred to not do it like that. He taught them all the same thing at the same time, so Raven being seven wasn't any smarter than his nine year old sister Kalea.

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